Share & Jason 

 Share, I do believe you never consider anything as a statement of logic. 
Settling for the sense of it on resonance, which is really a subtle sense of 
feeling allows one to bypass figuring out what it might mean. If beyond thought 
and feeling, that puts it beyond understanding. I myself do not think much 
about this any more, but it comes up time to time. A contradiction (con = 
against, & diction = speech) is a statement that says x is so and x is not so 
at the same time, which is nonsense.

 Jason's response shows more analysis. Determinism is the doctrine that all 
events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to 
the will. While free will is the power of acting without the constraint of 
necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. This sets 
individuality against the universe. The universe can be regarded as having 
either natural laws which mindlessly govern activity in a mechanical fashion, 
or as having an intentional stance, having a mind which determines action 
through will, such as gods are supposed to have. Individual will is an 
intentional stance that opposes universal laws or the activity of the gods. One 
can question whether the universe as a whole has will in the intentional stance 
sense, because proving gods (1 or more) exist seems out of the question. That 
nature's activity seems rather overpowering in a deterministic sense is pretty 
obvious, but why that is is not.

 Quantum mechanics shows us a certain proportion of indeterminacy on a 
microscopic scale. This is not apparent on the macroscopic scale, but it seems 
to mean things will never repeat themselves in quite the same way but the 
variations on the macroscopic scale will be subtle to say the least. The 
chance, or randomness of particle interaction is not will because there seems 
to be no intention behind it, it just happens. It is also constrained 
statistically so it cannot be said to be free either.

 Recent experiments with the human brain seem to show our sense of will is 
illusory, that the brain comes to make certain kinds of decisions in a 
mechanical way, and the results of this 'decision' comes into awareness after 
the fact, often seconds, as much as seven seconds after the fact. That means 
consciousness is passive, and does nothing, since it does not know what is 
happening until after the deed is done. This could hardly be said to be the 
activity of will. If anything, it is a demonstration of the effect of universal 
determinism, unless we conclude that micro quantum events introduce an element 
of chance. But has we note, chance is not a constrained by the concept of will, 
it bypasses will altogether, but is statistically constrained, which in a sense 
means its effect is at least partially determined, it is not free in the sense 
of unconstrained, its functioning is not at its own discretion. Chance has no 

 So we are left with mechanical determined universal action without an 
intentional stance behind it, both for the universe and for us, but we have the 
idea in our heads, that we have an intentional stance, even if it is not really 
there. And then there is that throw of the quantum dice, which prevents us from 
ever figuring out exactly what is happening when we look deeply into the matter.

 As for the concept of karmic rebound, not sure how that works or if it exists. 
If something happens, then something else happens because things are 
interconnected. I just lifted a pen off my desk, and then put it back down on 
the desk. What is the karmic rebound here? I have no idea what that would mean 
in this situation.

 Suppose a universe in which each person lives, and dies, and is not immortal 
and vanishes forever at death (kind of like ours). Suppose this person commits 
a murder in this universe, and is never caught, never even suspected, and this 
person subsequently lives a happy life filled with joy until he/she dies. What 
is the karmic rebound in this situation? 
---In, <jason_green2@...> wrote : 
This is a little difficult to explain, but I'll try.

When you perform an action, the karmic rebound is certain. 
However, when, where and how that rebound will occur cannot 
be predicted as existence itself does not know about it. 
There is an element of randomness here that is difficult to 
comprehend and is unexplainable.

If you study evolution carefully, you will notice that 
evolution itself is partially deterministic and partially 
random. There is a broad set of laws and yet randomness 
plays a part.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Xeno, I don't understand it as a statement of logic. I understand it as a 
koan, a statement meant to take the mind beyond logic to a deeper truth. I find 
there is a level of life where all contradictions exist together. It is beyond 
thought and feeling. I sometimes call it knowingness, but resonance might be a 
more descriptive word.

--- <anartaxius@...> wrote :
That is of course Share, a logical contradiction; hence, false. A statement 
like this acts as a metaphor for a certain way of understanding how the 
universe runs, provided you can penetrate the metaphor for its real 
significance. What has determinism? What has free will? Since they are 
diametrically opposed in function, what could this mean, if it means anything 
at all? Since the statement is literally untrue, why does it feel right to you? 
Is that feeling correct, or is it based on some hidden assumption which allows 
you accept a falsehood.

 --- <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 ...I heard Maharishi say: 100% determinism and 100% free will. That feels 
right to me.


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