---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I wouldn't characterize Feste's motives as completely compassionate if I were 
you. IMO he's just missing the days in which the name of the FFL game was "pile 
on Barry," and he's trying to do whatever he can to start that meme back up 
again.  :-)

Maybe it's not all about you, Barry - maybe it's all about Richard's messages. 

Apparently you and James don't understand this because you've failed to keep up 
- I'm not sure how James could have read all 10,000 of my posts to FFL since 
2003 - he must be a really fast reader! James seems to want to join in the FFL 
conversation and he seems like a decent guy, but maybe he is prejudice against 
people from Texas - which would be weird since you're from Texas too. Go figure.

Richard J. Williams 
 Richard J. Williams 
 [FairfieldLife] OM 2008-08-28 Thread Richard J. Williams [FairfieldLife] Re: 
Posts in 23.5 hours 2007-03-19 Thread Richard J. Williams 
 View on www.mail-archive.com 
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Isn't it fascinating that the thing that has *elevated* the level of discourse 
on Fairfield Life so much during the past month or so is the *absence* from it 
of a number of people who used to characterize those they didn't like as 
"negative." I suspect this says something about who was actually negative and 
who was not.  :-)


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 We all wear masks here on FFL, some of them benign, some of them grotesque, 
but behind them, and then behind the masks that we make for outselves in real 
life, we are all the same— or at least, not too dissimilar. Is this not so? I 
took Richard's part because he was subjected to a raft of posts condemning him, 
especially from our friend across the water, and I thought that I would express 
some appreciation of him. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :

 I think your concern for Richard is genuine, but mistaken. In any case, there 
are many other ways to show your concern than to condemn me as being 
'mean-spirited' (an approach, as I have pointed out, you use regularly here), 
or to make wildly mistaken statements about addiction. 
 You also assume that my comments affect Richard negatively and that your 
response will have some sort of soothing effect. My assumption is completely 
the opposite: Richard cares nothing about you, me, or anyone else here on FFL.  
See my original post for why I think this way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 I thought your post about Richard was somewhat cruel, and I was trying to 
soften the impact  so that Serious Richard might feel a little less unwelcome 
here. You are of course correct about a difference between routine behaviors 
and addiction. But I am unconvinced that Serious Richard is any more addicted 
to posting to FFL than a number of other posters here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :


Your response has many inaccuracies and incorrect assumptions, many of which 
arise from your lack of understanding of what addiction is:

Routine activities - 'things we like to do on a regular basis' - are not 
addictions, and your statement that they are is complete nonsense. In this 
statement alone, you lose all credibility. You have no understanding of what 
constitutes addiction. 

Your notion that assessing or recognizing a behavior is an addiction as being 
'mean-spirited' is again, quite simply, nonsense. Apart from assigning to me a 
motivation that I don't have, your statement indicates that your perceptions of 
addiction (likely unacknowledged on your part) are that addiction is a moral 
failing or is being used as a 'put down'.

You live in Fairfield. Considering events in FF over the last few years. I 
suggest to you that you examine such perceptions, and to put it bluntly, that 
you gain some rudimentary knowledge and see both how incorrect and offensive 
these perceptions are.  

In fact, if you care to read Serious Richard's posts, you will surely see they 
are intelligent and well thought out. 

Not surprisingly, I disagree with you that Richard's posts have been 
'intelligent and well thought out'. However, more revealing to me is your 
arrogant assumption that I have not read them. Do you really think I would 
comment about someone's posts if I hadn't read them? 

No, I dont think that you do. But this is in line with your assignment of 
'mean-spirited' motivations to Michael, Barry, me, and others when we have made 
comments that you do not like. 

Feel free to assign whatever motivations you want  to me (FFL is the perfect 
place for this). But don't try to dress it up in some kind of discussion about 
the nature of addiction, about which your perspective is completely flawed.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 You can call it addiction if you want to be mean-spirited. Most of us have 
addictions of some kind or another. We can also think of them simply as our 
routine—things we like to do on a regular basis. In that sense I am addicted to 
checking my email, playing Lexulous on Facebook, checking into Fairfield Life, 
and a number of other things. Serious Richard's so-called addiction is no more 
pronounced than that of many other posters here, who say the same dreary old 
things day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.In 
fact, if you care to read Serious Richard's posts, you will surely see they are 
intelligent and well thought out. But of course, give a dog a bad name and hang 
him, that's the name of the game here.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :

 And so Richard is back, and here is my prediction of how his behaviors will 
play out. 


 Richard will continue to exhibit classic behaviors of a person with an 
addiction. As I noted in a previous post (included below), he is (and clearly 
was, prior to his banning) unable to control his behavior here. 
 Asking an addict to control his behavior, or giving him a 'second chance', or 
asking him to modify his behavior is pointless. That is, each of these 
alternatives has a 0% chance of success. Because, truthfully, one is not asking 
the addict - one is asking the addiction. And addictions do not respond to 
reason, to pleading, to being asked nicely, to being ignored, or to being 
argued with. An addiction can only respond to whatever the addict needs in 
order to get high.  Nothing else matters. This is true across all kinds of 
addiction, whether to substances or behaviors. So to stop the addictive 
behavior one takes away the means to get high - there is no other way. 
 When deprived of the opportunity to get a high, addicts will engage in 
whatever behaviors they can in order to get the high their mind-body system 
needs. These behaviors obviously differ among addictions, but they have the 
following characteristics (among others): manipulation, playing the victim, and 
 In Richard's case, this behavior has been to write to Rick to "let me 
subscribe to the group because some informants were still talking about me and 
I wanted to post a few replies." This sentence is a textbook example of the 
above three characteristics of addict behavior: manipulation and playing the 
victim ('let me subscribe to the group because some informants were still 
talking about me'), and minimizing ('I wanted to post a few replies'). 
 And so Richard is back and, within a relatively short period of time, his 
behavior will be exactly the same as it was previously. It cannot be stopped by 
Richard, no matter how much we might like that to be the case. It will only be 
stopped by him being banned again. 

It is not that Richard can choose to leave FFL or change the character of his 
posts: Richard cannot not post on FFL**. To put it another way: If in the very 
unlikely event that Richard decided that he would like to stop posting or 
change the nature of his posts, he wouldn't be able to do so. Even if no one 
FFL were never to interact with him or refer to him from this moment on, he 
will continue to troll the group. 

Rick let me subscribe to the group because some informants were still talking 
about me and I wanted to post a few replies.So, I promised not to out anyone's 
real name - now this is funny - since I subscribed three people in the group 
have outed me. You can't make this stuff up, Alex. LoL!
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 Don't look at me. When I saw the subscription request, I left it for Rick to 
handle. Richard made no attempt to conceal his identity, so Rick approved the 
subscription, knowing fully well who it is. Rick's kind of a softie about stuff 
like that; after some period of time, he usually lets people back in. Years 
ago, there was another person who was far more deserving of being permanently 
booted, and Rick even let him back in.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Rick or Alex, If memory serves this arsehole has been barred from posting. 
Please send him back to wherever he's been dragging out his miserable existence 
since he last wasted everyone's time here.






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