You live in a dense population. The US is spread out. There are areas where you would be well advised to carry a gun just like the folks in the TV series "Fortitude" carry rifles. Don't want to be eaten alive by a bear do you?

On 02/03/2015 04:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Is the NRA a terrorist organisation? I'm trying to imagine what would happen if a couple of Floridians moved to my street and tried to set up a shooting range in their front garden. I'd give it ten minutes before there were armed police units surrounding the entire area and everyone concerned was dragged off to jail and their kids put into foster care.

The whole thing would be filmed by helicopter by every news channel we have and I'm sure a few American ones would turn up to laugh at the fuss we make about nothing. We seem to take child safety a bit more seriously here for some reason. Probably because the school shootings we've had actually motivated people to do something rather than leading to calls for everyone of the age of two to be armed at all times.

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*/They've read articles like this, and assume that everyone they meet is both insane and armed.
*/The Front Yard "Gun Range" Just Feet From My Neighbor's Kids' Bedroom Window UPDATE <>/*

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The Front Yard "Gun Range" Just Feet From My Neighbor'... <> My son is 9. His best friend is 10 and that little boy has a 7 year old little sister. My son loves playing at their house. These are no computer game kids. They ha...

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