I took Barry's comment to be a "gotta get a reaction from somebody" quota type 

 I suppose Barry is more of an academic, or movie critic, so really, I wouldn't 
expect him to understand the nuances of what it might be like to be in a combat 

 Not that I have, but being in real life, engaging with all manner of people,  
running a small business, you get a feel for what it's like to protect your 

 It is quite a bit different from sitting in a cafe all day and watching 
pirated movies. (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <richard@...> wrote :

 It should be noted that neither Barry or Michael Moore ever served in the 
military. If they were in a combat situation, they would probably refuse to 
shoot a terrorist about to behead a fellow combatant. Instead, they would 
probably head for the nearest coffee house in town to count their money. Go 

"Moore posted his opinion of "American Sniper" on stronger terms on his 
Facebook page January 29, including a hefty heap of his trademark pompous, 
whiny victimhood."

Michael Moore: My 'Fatwa'-Issuing Conservative Critics Are an 'American ISIS' 
 Michael Moore: My 'Fatwa'-Issuing Conservative C... 
 Vice Magazine has posted a long, fawning interview with limousine leftist 
documentary maker Michael Moore, infamous for his recent Twitter attack o...

 View on newsbusters.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I bet if I was a soldier in combat, I would be mighty glad of the snipers, 
long as they were on my sdie, shootin' at the soldiers who wanted to kill me. 


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2015 1:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why European tourists you meet in America are 
so polite
 Another word for "sniper" is "coward." And snipers are considered one step up 
from the lowest form of coward -- drone pilots -- because they actually have to 
go out into battle and hide behind a tree, whereas the drone pilot gets to sit 
in a safe building somewhere and play video games.  


 From: "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2015 2:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why European tourists you meet in America are 
so polite
   I've not seen this new Clint Eastwood movie yet - and I hadn't realized that 
Chris Kylie was dead - and indeed had been murdered.

 To show that nations will show pride in any record they can lay claim to, the 
other day I was half amused and half disturbed to see the British press crowing 
about the following claim: 

 A British sniper has 173 confirmed victims compared to 160 by the subject of 
Oscar-nominated "American Sniper". The corporal, who is still serving, made the 
majority of his kills during a single six-month tour of Helmand province eight 
years ago.  . . . At one point the sniper shot 90 Taliban fighters in a single 

 The world record for the longest-range kill is held by a British soldier at 
more than two-and-a-half kilometers.

 However the Finns can boast of holding first place in this grisly contest: 
Simo Hayha, a Finnish soldier nicknamed "White Death", was credited with 505 
sniper kills during the Winter War of 1939 to 1940, when the Soviet Union 
invaded Finland.


 It has been a common practice around the world for captured snipers to be 
executed out of hand. Rather odd considering that all sides use snipers(!) but 
probably explained by the gut instinct we have that snipers (like unrestricted 
submarine warfare) seem to be not playing the game according to the rules of 

 From Wiki: The negative reputation of snipers can be traced back to the 
American Revolution, when American "Marksmen" would intentionally target 
British officers, an act considered uncivilized by the British Army.

 To end, here's a true tale of sniper action that neatly illustrates the utter 
futility of war:

 During WWI there was a famous truce on Christmas Day 1914 when British and 
German troops met and fraternized in no man's land. But at one end of the line 
things didn't go so smoothly. 

 The peace of Christmas morning was shattered by the piercing, solitary shot of 
a sniper's rifle fired from a German trench. Private Percy Huggins, who was on 
sentry duty at a forward listening post just 20 yards from the enemy, was 
killed with a single bullet to the head. News of the 23-year-old soldier's 
death enraged his comrades of D company Hertfordshire regiment, especially his 
platoon Sergeant Tom Gregory. The experienced soldier demanded he take Pte 
Huggins' place so he could avenge his comrade's death. He immediately set about 
scanning the frost-covered ground before identifying the sniper, who he took 
out with a single shot. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of the deadly 
exchange. Sgt Gregory continued scouring the enemy lines and located a second 
sniper in his sights. But the German marksman had already spotted him and in a 
split-second action, he shot and killed Sgt Gregory.






---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <richard@...> wrote :

 If you don't have a gun and don't know how to shoot straight, how are you 
going to kill the terrorists?

AUSTIN — Two years after Chris Kyle's death, and days before the man accused of 
killing him goes to trial, the retired Navy SEAL depicted in the blockbuster 
movie "American Sniper" received a state day Monday in his honor...

Texas establishes 'Chris Kyle Day' 2 years after his death

 View on news.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 but a backyard is not a place to have legal shooting ranges. The politicians 
in FL who allow this must be insane - we don't even have that kind of crap here 
in South Carolina

 and FYI Sal, the NRA is run by a megalomaniac demagogue named Wayne Lapierre 
who loves to be the power that has all the politicians running scared- plus he 
gets lots of money from the gun industry for promoting their agendas which is 
basically to sell sell sell! He is a fuck head who needs a real good ass 


 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 12:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why European tourists you meet in America are 
so polite
 You live in a dense population.  The US is spread out.  There are areas where 
you would be well advised to carry a gun just like the folks in the TV series 
"Fortitude" carry rifles.  Don't want  to be eaten alive by a bear do you?
 On 02/03/2015 04:18 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 Is the NRA a terrorist organisation? I'm trying to imagine what would happen 
if a couple of Floridians moved to my street and tried to set up a shooting 
range in their front garden. I'd give it ten minutes before there were armed 
police units surrounding the entire area and everyone concerned was dragged off 
to jail and their kids put into foster care. 
 The whole thing would be filmed by helicopter by every news channel we have 
and I'm sure a few American ones would turn up to laugh at the fuss we make 
about nothing. We seem to take child safety a bit more seriously here for some 
reason. Probably because the school shootings we've had actually motivated 
people to do something rather than leading to calls for everyone of the age of 
two to be armed at all times.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<turquoiseb@...> mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 They've read articles like this, and assume that everyone they meet is both 
insane and armed. 
 The Front Yard "Gun Range" Just Feet From My Neighbor's Kids' Bedroom Window 

 The Front Yard "Gun Range" Just Feet From My Neighbor'... My son is 9. His 
best friend is 10 and that little boy has a 7 year old little sister. My son 
loves playing at their house. These are no computer game kids. They ha...

 View on www.dailykos.com
 Preview by Yahoo










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