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Could meditation reduce brain aging?

Last updated: Today at 12am PST
It is common knowledge that the brain deteriorates as we age, causing 
functional impairments. You may be surprised to learn that this process usually 
begins during mid-to-late-20s. But before you panic, a new study suggests a 
potential way to reduce such deterioration: meditation.
The research team, including Dr. Florian Kurth of the Brain Mapping Center at 
the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), found meditation may be 
associated with better preservation of gray matter in the brain - the 
neuron-containing tissue responsible for processing information.

The red areas show brain regions affected by gray matter loss; the researchers 
found people who meditated had better preservation of gray matter.
Image credit: Dr. Eileen Luders

The investigators publish their findings in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

Numerous studies have investigated the health benefits of meditation. In 
November last year, a study from Canadian researchers found meditation may have 
cellular benefits for breast cancer survivors 
<>, while an earlier study 
found it may be effective for reducing pain, anxiety and depression 

Past research has also associated meditation with improved cognitive functions, 
such as attention, memory and processing speed. In this latest study, Dr. Kurth 
and colleagues set out to see whether there is an association between 
meditation and brain tissue - specifically gray matter - that may help explain 
these previous findings.

The researchers recruited 100 subjects to the study aged 24-77. Of these, 50 
had meditated for between 4 and 46 years and 50 had never engaged in the 
practice. Both groups were closely matched for age.

Using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI 
<>), the researchers scanned 
the brains of each participant.

Meditation group showed better preservation of gray matter in widespread brain 
While the researchers identified reduced gray matter with increasing age - as 
they expected - they were surprised to find that individuals in the meditation 
group showed significantly lower gray matter loss in numerous brain regions, 
compared with those in the non-meditation group.

Dr. Kurth comments:

"We expected rather small and distinct effects located in some of the regions 
that had previously been associated with meditating. Instead, what we actually 
observed was a widespread effect of meditation that encompassed regions 
throughout the entire brain."

The team notes that this study did not account for other potential confounding 
factors, such as participants' lifestyle choices, personality and genetic brain 
differences, so they are unable to prove a causal association between 
meditation and reduced deterioration of gray matter. 

However, first author Dr. Eileen Luders, of the David Geffen School of Medicine 
at UCLA, says the findings are "promising."

"Hopefully they will stimulate other studies exploring the potential of 
meditation to better preserve our aging brains and minds," she adds. 
"Accumulating scientific evidence that meditation has brain-altering 
capabilities might ultimately allow for an effective translation from research 
to practice, not only in the framework of healthy aging but also pathological 

In January 2014, a study published in the journal Topics in Cognitive Science 
suggested that our brains slow down as we age as a result of greater experience 
<>, not cognitive decline.

Written by Honor Whiteman 
Copyright: Medical News Today

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