Re "I see that folks over on The_Leak must be bored with their lives again, 
because they're obsessing about FFL and about *ME* again.":

 Are you a member of any other Yahoo groups? And if so, have any of those other 
groups now split into two rival camps because of your robust input? 








---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Ah, I see that folks over on The_Leak must be bored with their lives again, 
because they're obsessing about FFL and about *ME* again.  :-)

 Ann (still pissed off because I rightly called her what she is a few times and 
did the same for the poseur she's still got a crush on decades after he dumped 
her) is leading the charge, claiming that this place (FFL) is now "run by" me 
and a few of my cronies. I think she's mistaking her and a few others running 
away from FFL with their tails between their legs (thus demonstrating that 
they're losers) for me being a "winner." :-)

As for Bimbo himself, he must have been contacted by the police because he's 
avoiding actual libel these days, but he's still claiming that he was justified 
in slinging his libel in the first place. And why? Because I used a throwaway 
phrase to make a point, but a point that he got all crazy about because the 
phrase was used in conjunction with someone he never met but whom he has placed 
upon a pedestal (MMY). Oh well...if that's how he wishes to demonstrate the 
non-attachment of the enlightened, so be it.  :-)

 Bottom line as I see it is that the ones who are over on The_Leak still 
whining about how they were "run off" from FFL are trying to make it seem as if 
I "won" something that was never a battle to be won in the first place. I 
merely did what I've always done -- spoke my mind in as colorful and 
entertaining a fashion as I could manage -- and they couldn't cope with that 
without getting all bent behind it. 


 In retrospect I think the thing they're still obsessing on me about and the 
thing that hurt them the most that they can't get over is that I never took any 
of them seriously. And they *NEED* to be taken seriously. Bimbo *NEEDS* it so 
desperately that he's created an entire forum dedicated to taking him 
seriously, populated primarily by others who he allows to stay *only as long as 
they continue to take him seriously*. 


 Whatever floats yer boat, I say. Anybody who actually respects that level of 
neediness is welcome to it. 


 As for any real comments on the nature of the group itself, all I have to say 
is that when I scan The_Leak once a week or so to make sure I don't have to 
report Bimbo to the cops again, the only posts I find there worth reading all 
the way through are those made by Anartaxius. His clarity stands out amongst 
all the dimwittedness like a spotlight hiding in a pile of Christmas tree 
bulbs. The only thing I find interesting so far about The_Leak is the question 
of how long it will be until Bimbo kicks Anartaxius off for doing what he 
cannot -- being interesting.  :-)


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