---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Ha ha ha ha! Typical Movement bullshit. Label the conference as something not 
really TM-ish, but then stack the deck with Movement shills and junkies. Won't 
accomplish shit, but you gotta admire the TMO for trying to to get more and 
more and more stupid people to give them money.

One thing is for sure - you sucked as a dish-washer!


 From: "email4you mikemail4you@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: Email4you <mikemail4you@...> 
 Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2015 4:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'International Conference for Re-establishing Vedic 

 even The Dalai Lama sent his greetings and full support 

 for reaching the conference goals....


 Following are just a few of the highlights from the 'International Conference 
for Re-establishing Vedic India', which featured many of India's leading 
scientists, educators, government ministers and spiritual luminaries--and also 
prominent Vedic Scientists, educators and researchers from all parts of the 
world. Dr Peter Swan gives a beautiful, detailed overview of this historic 
conference, with slides, anecdotes, and descriptions of the speakers and their 
topics on the Maharishi Channel's 'Family Chat'. 
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaram (Dr Tony Nader) gave an overview of Vedic Science in 
light of Maharishi's insights: he explained that Vedic Science is not a 
philosophy or religion--or just inspiring stories. Vedic Science is the 
complete understanding of how Nature functions--both on the level of individual 
life, and all life in the universe. In great detail, he described the many ways 
that Maharishi revitalized the understanding of Vedic Science and brought out 
the techniques to experience Enlightenment--the fundamental reality that 'I am 
the Veda'. His talk highlighted the beauty and simplicity of Maharishi's Vedic 
Science and technologies: the reality that problems are many in the world but 
the solution is one--the experience of that divinity which is there within 
everyone. The revered Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Vasudevananda Saraswati, 
gave a beautiful and stirring tribute to the ever growing impact of Maharishi's 
revival of Vedic Science in the world. And he congratulated Maharaja and all 
the scientists who are upholding the purity and completeness of this knowledge. 
He echoed the words of Maharaja: 'Vedic Science is not just for India--it is 
for the world'. And he pledged his complete support for implementing 
Maharishi's programmes to bring peace and prosperity to all lands and people. 
Shankaracharya ji presided over every session of the three day conference. He 
said: "This knowledge is for everyone--Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, 
everyone. Maharaja has brought Maharishi's knowledge from modern science and 
Vedic Science and we will take it! I pray God, I wish, and I demand that we 
shine the light of Veda--that we shine the light of harmony--throughout India 
and the world."
 Yogashri Swami Ram Dev ji, is considered by many to be the greatest living 
Yogi in India. He spoke with enormous enthusiasm about Maharishi's revival of 
knowledge, and Maharaja's leadership in the world. He promised to speak with 
Prime Minister Narendra Modi about implementing Maharishi's programmes for 
India, and he said that he wanted to sponsor the next such conference on Vedic 
Science. He requested that all the leading scientists that Maharishi had 
trained so perfectly, should again and again come to India to help with this 
great work. He said: "Maharishi has done all the work by breaking down the 
barriers--by introducing Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, and Vedic Wisdom to 
the whole world. There are so many teachers in the field of Yoga--but we should 
all be learning from Maharishi. This is the real Vedic Yoga, that Maharishi ji 
has given to the world." He added: "Maharaja has given up everything in the 
service of Maharishi--when we do that, when we give ourselves completely to 
service, then the whole world works for us! (followed by great laughter)...The 
world is fascinated by wealth, but it will never bring happiness and peace. 
Complete knowledge--this is what Maharaja is giving, and all his saintly 
scientists and educators. I salute Maharishi ji--that great Maha Purusha! 
Maharishi has brought you all, the vanguard of Vedic Knowledge in the 
world--the holy, pious priests of Vedic Wisdom--a blessing for the whole world."
 Swami Amritaswaroopananda Puri is the senior disciple of Amma ji. He spoke 
about the importance of the Vedic principle of harmony. He said that this 
conference would surely become the inspiration for a coherent effort to restore 
Vedic Wisdom to India.
 The Dalai Lama sent his greetings and full support for reaching the conference 
goals. He has met with Maharishi's movement leaders, and has enthusiastically 
heard about all the practical, proven programmes to bring peace and harmony to 
the individual and world.
 Honorable Dr Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Science and Technology, Government of 
India told the conference that he had wanted to spend every minute of the last 
three days with this conference. "I will do my best to have all the programmes 
of Maharishi implemented through the various ministries of government".
 Brazil's Education Minister spoke via tele-conference about how he is working 
to implement Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation into all the 48,000 
government-run schools in Brazil. He said that the future of education in 
Brazil--and the world--is now shining bright because of this practical, proven 
knowledge to develop the Total Brain. Public schools in the US and more than 50 
countries have introduced TM into the curriculum, with remarkable improvement 
in every area of health and learning. The highly respected African leader, 
President JoachimChissano of Mozambique, via Skype spoke about how he took 
office in the country when they were having a 25 year old civil war, a five 
year drought--and they had just been named the poorest country in the world! 
Taking Maharishi's guidance he had 18,000 military men practice TM twice daily, 
3,000 Yogic Flyers were trained and 30,000 civilians learned TM--and all were 
meditating in large groups. "Within months the drought and civil war had 
ended--and Mozambique has never been the same." President Chissano added: "Now 
everyone knows Mozambique is a rising star of African nations." 
 Dr Robert Schneider, author of TOTAL HEART HEALTH, Director of the US' 
Institute of Natural Medicine, and researcher and professor at Maharishi 
University of Management www.MUM.edu http://www.mum.edu/ in the United States, 
reported on Maharishi's revival of Ayurveda in India, and it's growing 
utilization around the world. Dr Schneider has received more than $25 million 
from the US government for researching the impact of Transcendental Meditation 
on heart health. Last year the American Heart Association announced that after 
examining research on the many techniques of meditation available in the world, 
they found that only TM reduced high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke. 
Dr Schneider told the conference attendees that many governments are now 
implementing or considering Maharishi's prevention-based Vedic Medicine--and 
that India should lead in this area. Dr Eike Hartmann told the conference that 
in recent years, hundreds of millions of dollars has been spent on introducing 
Maharishi's refinement of Vastu architecture--the ancient system of building 
according to Natural Law. In Fairfield, Iowa, and Maharishi Vedic City alone, 
nearly 500 buildings and homes have been built according to Maharishi Vastu 
principles. Maharishi on Vastu: "Because the individual is cosmic, everything 
about individual life should be in full harmony with cosmic life."
 Dr Fred Travis is one of the world's leading researchers on the brain, and 
higher states of consciousness. As Director of the Center for Brain, 
Consciousness and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management, he has 
recently been studying the effects of Vedic Recitation on the brain. Dr Travis 
conducted a live demonstration with a volunteer hooked up to the most 
sophisticated brain research equipment: the volunteer listened as about a dozen 
Vedic Pandits recited Vedic sounds. Within a few seconds a remarkable level of 
alpha coherence spread throughout the brain. Dr Travis explained that this type 
of alpha wave brain coherence is similar to that found during the practice of 
TM--and not found in other technique of meditation. Dr Travis showed on a large 
screen how alpha coherence started in the frontal lobe (called the CEO of the 
brain) and then spread throughout the whole brain. Alpha wave EEG coherence is 
correlated with everything good in life: health, happiness, moral reasoning, 
stability, higher IQ and grade point averages, and successful performance in 
athletics, business, etc.
 Dr Vijay Bhatkar is best known as the architect of India's national initiative 
in supercomputing. Along with Bill and Melinda Gates, Dr Bhatkar received the 
Padma Bhushan award for 2015. This is one of India's highest awards, which was 
presented to Dr Bhatkar for his leadership in guiding India to excellence in 
Information Technology. In his talk he said that he has spent his lifetime 
trying to understand the relationship between Veda and the physical world, and 
that Maharaja's presentation was 'the most illuminating talk I have ever 
 On Monday Maharaja and a large group of scientists and educators were invited 
to meet with Sushma Swaraj, PM Modi's Minister of External Affairs. She is a 
long-time practitioner of TM, and there was an enthusiastic exchange of ideas 
for implementing Maharishi's Vedic Science in India.






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