This sounds like fun, if you are young and fancy free. 

But, it's not at all practical for a householder with a wife and family raise 
and provide for. There are hundreds of rough-neck types living around here, 
working in the oil fields around the Eagle Fords shale escarpments. It's a 
challenging lifestyle unless you live someplace like Laguna Beach, CA. and park 
in the back yard of a friend. 

Back in 1967 I owned a VW Westphalia van-camper and drove around in it for 
awhile. It's totally impractical for an artist, unless maybe you're a writer.

Some folks are really into "tiny" homes lately, which is a take on the same 
theme. Some of the tiny homes are not portable, which presents additional 
challenges such as where to place them. You'll need water, waste disposal, 
cable and electric hookups in vacant lots. Most KOA campgrounds cost several 
hundred dollars a month. 

It's a life probably more suited to single types who value solitude, Go figure.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 This guy quit his job and is traveling as far as he can go.  We wish him good 
luck and fun adventures.

 'There are so many ways to live': Meet the man who quit his job to make an 
$8,000 van home
 'There are so many ways to live': Meet the man w...
 Mike Hudson, otherwise known as Vandog Traveller, quit his job and spent 
$8,000 converting an LDV Convoy van into a home. Now he's traveling around...

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