If China is a corrupt state, then it is a miracle that it's government  has 
been able to pass some benefits to the people.  Foremost, the government has 
been able to bring economic prosperity to the country.  Nonetheless, we do see 
the government executing to death sentences its prominent businessmen and 
military bosses for corruption. 

 I looked at China's national chart and found it fairly strong for success 
since it has Venus very strong in it's own house and in the 10th house.  This 
accounts for its economic strength and the apparent success of its musicians in 
the world stage, such as Lang Lang and Yundi Li.  We also see some business 
entrepreneurs there copying city motifs from Europe and building them in their 
Asian environment.

 However,  a malefic planet, Ketu, is in conjunction with the Sun and Mercury 
in the 9th house signifying the government and religion.  This feature accounts 
for the corruption in the government and the official religion being atheism.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <richard@...> wrote :

 Worldwide there are over 500 million people that adhere to some form of 
Buddhism, so its not surprising that some of them have become corrupted by 
either sex, drugs and money, or all of the above. China has the most practicing 
Buddhist and everyone knows that China is a totally corrupt state.

Currently, we have two friends now living over in Thailand, down on Phucket 
Island. Bob is a language teacher and Lewis is a psychologist. According to 
them, they are both moving leaving and saying 'fuckit'. Apparently Thailand 
ranks world no.2 in road fatalities. Go figure.

BANGKOK - Danger-prone road conditions and recklessness of motorists have made 
Thailand become one of the three countries with the highest numbers of traffic 
fatalities in the world.

Based on the statistics of the World Health Organization and University of 
Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Thailand is ranked second in terms 
of traffic fatalities with 44 deaths per a population of 100,000 per year.

Coming first and third are Namibia and Iran with 45 and 38 fatalities per a 
population of 100,000 respectively. According to the global statistics, the 
average number of people died in road accidents is 18 per a population of 
100,000 per year.

Analysts said the high number of fatalities not only resulted from motorists’ 
carelessness alone. Accident-prone road conditions were also to blame for the 
tragedy. The Ministry of Public Health meanwhile revealed that nearly 500 
accidents occurred at U-turns over the past year.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Apparently, money and sex have corrupted Buddhism in Thailand.





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