It sounds like to me that the tres hombres are very interested in this subject 
because it 1) it involves their balls 2) involves their practice of onanism 3) 
wouldn't allow you them impregnate any more women.

There's no point in discussing point 1, since we assume these guys have balls 
of various sizes and shapes. We can also assume point 2, since the informants 
posting here seem like normal men. However, we cannot assume the third point, 
since we don't know if at least two of the informants have wives, so maybe it's 
a matter offspring. 

The uno hombre has already said he thinks it's a good idea to reduce the world 
population - if you have no balls you can't sire children. The other hombre 
seems to think that having no balls would be stupid, but doesn't even mention 
how his missus would react to him cutting off his balls. Just speaking for 
myself, I don't care what they do with their balls as long as they don't sire 
any more bastards. 

So, if the dos hombres don't get married,they will probably have to continue 
their onanism practice. As Jeff Peterson once said: "Balls!"

 ---In, <> wrote :

 It sounds like natural selection to me. 

 But it's also worrying because I usually get annoyed when I hear the 
authorities tell us that people have to be protected from their own stupidity. 
Clearly there are some very stupid people about.

 I wonder if anyone was happy with the outcome and actually felt closer to god? 
That'd be an interesting study to test True Believerism.

 I know a purusha guy who was telling me they have a genuine celibate on the 
programme - that's completely celibate since forever - they are all excited 
because they obviously think this qualifies the guy as a hot ticket for 

 I asked him if it was really a good thing and maybe he should shag around for 
a bit to know what he's missing before he gets stuck with a peer group who are 
so intent on pressuring him to keep chaste. I got the usual stony look and was 
left with the impression they think I just don't get this stuff. 

 So maybe one of our more spiritual types can tell me; what does an orgasm do 
to you that is so bad that it stops you getting enlightened, or at least slows 
down your evolution?


---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Spiritual leader allegedly manipulated 400 men into removing testicles 
 to be 'closer to God'

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