RIFF: (Spoken) Against the neganauts we need every meditator we got. 

ACTION: (Spoken) Buck don't belong any more. 

RIFF: Cut it, Action boy. I an Buck started the 'Ru's. 

ACTION: Well, he acts like he don't wanna belong. 

BABY JOHN: Who wouldn't wanna belong to the 'Ru's! 

ACTION: Buck ain't been with us in the Dome for over a week. 

SNOWBOY: What about the day we clobbered the Rubes on FFL? 

A-RAB: Which we couldn't have done without Buck. 

BABY JOHN: He saved my ever-lovin' neck! 

RIFF: Right! He's always come through for us and he will now. 

When you're a 'Ru, 
You're a Ru all the way 
From your first meditation 
To your last dyin' day. 

When you're a 'Ru, 
If the spit hits the fan, 
You got brothers and sisters around, 
You're a family man! 

You're never alone, 
You're never disconnected! 
You're home with your own: 
When company's expected, 
You're well protected! 

Then you are set 
With a capital R, 
Which you'll never forget 
Till they cart you away. 
When you're a 'Ru, 
You stay a 'Ru! 

(Spoken) I know Buck like I know me. I guarantee you can count him in.  

Sevenray27 wrote :

 Doug, this is hilarious, and is so spot on. 

 Yes, Barry is as obsessive as those he rants about, and the organization he 
rants about.

 We heard a post the other day from aryavazi (I believe) about how he left the 
movement, and moved on.

 Can you believe that Barry here, who left the movement, (physically) some 
forty years ago, is still here ranting about it, several hours a day, all these 
years later.

 Please, I don't think he's the one best qualified to judge obsessive behavior.

 And just for purposes of full disclosure, I admit to my obsessiveness in 
getting drawn into this same critique of Barry and some of the other detractors 

 But, at least, I feel I have a real life I can fall back on, which has some of 
the requisite indicators of someone who is not stuck in past unrequited life 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Of Turqb's cheap shot, the Large irony with Turqb doing this on FFL is that 
the course office administrating Dome badges in Fairfield, Iowa did the same 
thing Turqb is doing here now with the ad hominem over what I am writing on FFL 
when back in the early 2000's the course office people called my wife 
explaining to her then that they thought I was mentally imbalanced and should 
not be in the Dome meditation for the critique I was writing on FFLthen about 
their anti-saint policy in those days. Same thing here now with Turqb. Turqb 
here too is evidently no better than they were at this.
  -Buck in Fairfield

 Writing in 2001,
 FFL#19The Meditating Community 


 or Rick Archer writing in 2001,
 7Re: [FairfieldLife] A Meditating Ccommunity... 


 Rick Writing, 
 "I’ve love to see a public announcement like the following from the Department 
of the Development of Consciousness (the people who give out the badges):

Dear Fairfield Sidhas and Governors,

First, we would like to publicly apologize for ever having excluded from the 
domes anyone who wanted to practice Maharishi’s program there. We would like to 
welcome everyone back on the condition that if you are in the dome, you promise 
to practice what you have learned from Maharishi – no more, no less. In turn, 
we promise to never again judge or exclude anyone for what they may choose to 
do with their private life. We possess neither the wisdom nor the right to do 
this. Let us all come together again in a spirit of love and acceptance, and 
begin once more to radiate the harmony and coherence for which the domes were 

Jai Guru Dev,

The Department of the Development of Consciousness

.....numbers flying in the domes would double overnight."



Seventhray27 writes:
You sound fine, Doug. 

 It's just Barry, being Barry.

 His mean, lonely self, trying hard, (okay, not very hard), to couch it in 
genuine sympathy.

 The typical ad hominem offered on FFL when what is written can't be addressed 
or dealt with straight on,
 (an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position 
they are maintaining.

turquoiseb writes :

 I have to ask -- is anyone else here worried that Buck either has dementia or 
a brain tumor? The *language* in his posts is near-incomprehensible, barely 
English any more. And he clearly has no idea that this is the case. 

 Am I alone in noticing this?

 Buck, forget the "checking." I think it's time for you to get a brain scan. 

 These kinds of depressions in spiritual aperture of experience, 
 this kind of 'dark night' testimony you relate is not unknown in spiritual 
life and practice. This sounds simply like some time of acedia or a kind of 
spiritual depression in aperture that was endured.  

 Practically taking exercise in a walk, possibly for 50 minutes as modern 
science does indicate by looking at the physiology of mental well-being, is not 
a bad idea in means to help let these times pass. I feel like you proly did a 
right thing taking extended walks at the time. 
  Also, I feel we should not just discount deeper spiritual processes entirely 
like some are advocating here. Brahmananda Saraswati counseled keeping the 
company of the illumined, saints, wise or holy people. The science seems to 
indicate this now too, like what one's grandmother who would advise, watch the 
company you keep. Is a good lesson in life. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Advice to take with a grain of sand, Sal. Based on many of Buck's previous 
rants FFL, I think we have to assume that "un-re-cert" is synonymous with 
"quitter". You wouldn't want to entrust your spiritual future to one of them.  

 Ohm no Sal, No. You could've gotten your meditation checked. You know, sit 
with a meditation checker or even an un-re-cert teacher if you could not have 
found your way in to a Peace Palace near you. There are a lot of un-re-certs 
everywhere who would be capable of checking meditation if asked.  
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 salyavin808 shares:


 It was a long time coming. Just sitting there and looking at all the twitching 
and hopping about I sudden; saw it from an objective viewpoint rather than as 
an insider and realised it was all a load of crap and we were kidding 
ourselves. What has been seen can never be unseen I'm afraid, and once you've 
looked at it like that there aint no going back.

 My Skem friends didn't mind. I didn't tell them I'd given it up or why at the 
time, I just didn't go back to the dome, and instead took walks in the woods in 
the morning. 

 This was the thing that I never liked about the TMSP, the amount of time it 
takes out of your day. From the very beginning I resented the lack of quality 
time I could spend out cycling etc. That was one of the reasons I moved in to 
the academy, because the day was built round the TMSP and I could still feel 
like I wasn't just a hermit with a job.

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 11:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: If they Withdraw your Dome badge again, Buck..



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Sal were you still living in a Movement facility when you stopped TMSP or had 
you already left the place?


I had left the employ of the movement and was on a course in the dome in Skem 
when I had the revelation that it really was just a big fat waste of time. I 
just folded up my blanket and walked out. Never looked back, not for a second.

 From some community committees I have been on recently I see there is a new 
more conservative ideology in iteration of the TM anti-saint reasoning in an 
assumption about people who have seen other spiritual teachers which postulates 
that people who have seen other spiritual teachers will have necessarily lost 
their delicate innocence in effortless meditation as is TM and therefore should 
not be allowed the privilege of being in the Dome program at all, even as they 
are practicing TM'ers or TM-Sidhas.
 As is said now, the assumption is that other teachings will bleed over in to 
and corrupt the effortless practice of TM and hence people who have seen other 
spiritual teachers should no longer be included in the Dome program.       

 There seems an undercurrent at work evidently. I have run in to other 
community meditators here who are recently now in this reduced status of having 
applied to update their badges and now put off past the expiration date sticker 
on their Dome badges. http://invincibleamerica.org/applications.html 

 aryavazhi offers:

 I'm very sorry for this Buck, I had indeed no idea about this situation when 
posting this image. What makes me sad though even more, is that this issue 
never seems to go away. One time they will admit you, next time they won't, and 
they will keep playing this game.

I am interested, because I was in the same situation once, and I have my 
opinions. I left the movement for this very reason, leaving friends and my old 
life behind, to never turn back until now, when I revisited this place after 
two and a half decades, as I just posted here. I personally believe in looking 
forward, not backward, and I'm glad I decided the way I did.  But it still 
makes me sad to see that this is still going on for some people.


 salyavin808 writes:


 The question I have is; why on Earth do people want to be part of an 
organisation that is so petty with who it lets into its precious domes?

 What are they scared off? That Buck might pollute the hallowed foam with a 
contrary meme? So what if he does? It doesn't say much for their 
"invincibility" that getting a hug from another "saint" is enough to destroy 
the purity of the teaching but this is the sort of thing they are scared of. 
They don't like people mixing and matching stuff as they consider theirs to be 
the ultimate, one-and-only, all you'll ever need, superhighway to 
enlightenment. The irony of fact that so many people actually wanting to visit 
other "saints" or needing psychotherapy undermines the power of what they are 
trying to protect seems lost on them.

 And there's no point slagging off the dome guardians as being unreasonable, 
petty- minded bureaucrats, they were created by the very technique that going 
into the dome is supposed to enhance. They are Marshy's chosen governors doing 
what years of meditation and training has taught them to do!

 Buck should be one of their main men but they treat him like this! It doesn't 
say much for anyone concerned with it. Move on before you end up like them.


srijau writes: Im sorry to hear you are not given a Dome badge but this has 
nothing to do with the conference. No one at the conference was going there to 
get teaching from another tradition.

 Thanks, I do appreciate your sympathy and level of understanding, Srijau. But 
the irony offered in the picture is quite large given the longer course of 
events with their wholesale and methodical administrative shunning of their 
larger movement for its having gone out to visit with leaders in spirituality 
in context just like these, and even Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam now. The picture 
is quite funny as offered here simply in its large sense of ironic humor to the 
the larger context, if you know the context.   


 In talking around Fairfield about this with others here I was surprised 
finding another friend of mine here who is on the progressive side of wanting 
things to work out here for TM and the movement who also has been active as an 
aide and advisor to Hagelin and is also retained to work for another Raja, this 
person is now in this same administrative deferment with an expired Dome badge 
from last December.  

 Some thing evidently is going on with some tightening of Dome badge renewals 
in Fairfield. An old meditator/TM teacher who has long been a regular attender 
of the group meditation in the Domes who I know from Fairfield Quaker Meeting 
is being turned out and cast off from his long communal affiliation with TM as 
the result.   Meanwhile the Dome meditation numbers are themselves left spare.  

 As it turns out, my current badge to be in the Dome meditation and also go to 
our movement meetings expired yesterday.

 I had been re-admitted the Dome meditation three years ago on an exemption to 
the TM anti-saint policies in a process conducted then by John Hagelin, an 
exemption which read that I was, 1. Free to see saints for reasons of my health 
and 2. Be in the Dome program so long as I was not practicing other spiritual 
practices in the Dome. Simple.

 Administratively now they let my badge go fallow yesterday. I am no longer 
valid in the TM community with the passing of the last day of February. I had 
re-applied to update my badge sticker about 5 weeks ago and was told it 
normally does not take long and they would get back to me by phone or e-mail. 
Effectively I am now a TM movement no-badge-nik.

 Reduced in rank again, to just 'meditator' in Fairfield, Iowa,



salyavin808 writes:

 I'd like to know how much of an issue it is still.

 Maybe it's an old thing, and it's not an issue anymore, and that would be a 
good thing. Otherwise, show the photo.
 I don't get it, what have I missed?

It's Ammachis swami, the main guy in Ammachis organization. For some time at 
least, people seeing other Guru's or Ma's , where punished by withdrawing their 
dome badges, and Buck has been ranting about these restrictive policies for 
ages. Now all these Indian gurus are having this harmonic get together, as if 
they are just friends.


 I'd like to know how much of an issue it is still. I bet TM teachers are still 
taught to be fiercely protective of the "knowledge" lest it gets diluted by 
contact with inferior memes.


Yogic Flying (TM) - banned from the Domes 
 Yogic Flying (TM) - banned from the Domes 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiKZjq0vTWg This is a fictive dialogue, 
fashioned according to real proceedings in the Transcendental Meditation 

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiKZjq0vTWg
 Preview by Yahoo


no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :

 Show them this picture. Best carry it always with you, and show it as 



It's Ammachis swami, the main guy in Ammachis organization. For some time at 
least, people seeing other Guru's or Ma's , where punished by withdrawing their 
dome badges, and Buck has been ranting about these restrictive policies for 
ages. Now all these Indian gurus are having this harmonic get together, as if 
they are just friends.

 aryavazhi wrote:

 Show them this picture. Best carry it always with you, and show it as 



 The typical ad hominem:
 (an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position 
they are maintaining.

turquoiseb writes :

 I have to ask -- is anyone else here worried that Buck either has dementia or 
a brain tumor? The *language* in his posts is near-incomprehensible, barely 
English any more. And he clearly has no idea that this is the case. 

 Am I alone in noticing this?

              • ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... salyavin808
              • ... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... salyavin808
              • ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... jamesalan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
              • ... dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... salyavin808
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
  • Re: [FairfieldLife] I... Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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