Now that I have posted this Sri, how do you deal with it? I assume you were 
implying that all these positive feelings are coming out all over the world due 
to TM and TMSP in groups? 

And that the elusive and possibly non-existent yogic flying groups in Latin 
America are responsible for Latin American countries being the happiest in the 
world according to Gallup pollsters?
Now that I have posted a dose of reality are you willing to say that the high 
crime rates in Paraguay are due to TM and TMSP?
Think for a minute about who the Gallup pollsters talked to. Did they ask the 
ultra wealthy elite of the country? If so, hell yeah they are happy and happy 
they don't live in shit holes like the rest of the country? 

Did the pollsters go into the poorest neighborhoods and ask their questions? 
Fuck no they didn't because they knew better than to go where they would at 
least be robbed if not killed. 

Wake up man.

      From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 10:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] latin America tops in happiness
    Just go visit and you will find out what bullshit this is, perhaps when you 
are being robbed.
Paraguay 2015 Crime and Safety Report
Overall Crime and Safety Situation

Crime Rating: High

Crime Threats

Crime continues to be a serious concern. Crime is generally non-violent, but 
the common use of knives and firearms in muggings and street crime creates the 
possibility for serious harm. Recent statistics indicate a growing willingness 
to use weapons. Street crime, including pickpocketing and mugging, is common in 
downtown Asuncion, at the bus terminal, and on public buses. Groups of children 
have been known to mob pedestrians and steal purses and wallets. For 2014, the 
Paraguayan National Police (PNP) reported marked increases in vehicle theft 
(+25 percent), robbery (+10 percent), aggravated robbery (+12 percent), and 
aggravated theft (+13 percent) as compared to 2013, with other crime categories 
remaining mostly stagnant. The PNP acknowledges that many crimes go unreported 
due to lack of confidence in the judicial process. Armed robberies, car thefts 
(occasionally including carjacking), and burglaries are common. 

Increasing incidents of muggers using motorcycles to approach their victims 
have also been reported. One tactic becoming more common is a thief breaking 
the passenger window of a vehicle stopped at a traffic light or in traffic, 
grabbing a purse or bag from the car seat, and escaping on the back of a 
waiting motorcycle.

Another tactic is for thieves to target people making large cash transactions 
at banks. There have been instances of bank employees working with criminal 
elements to identify and rob individuals after they withdraw large amounts of 

Residences with augmented security are not immune from burglaries. Many 
burglaries occur during the day when occupants are not at the residence or when 
easily manipulated household staff fails to use appropriate security protocols. 
In some cases, police officers and security guards are complicit in the crimes. 
It is common for homeowners to be held at gunpoint during robberies.  

There is no pervasive anti-American sentiment in Paraguay, however, criminals 
frequently target those believed to be wealthy, which. U.S. citizens are 
perceived to be.

     From: "" <>
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] latin America tops in happiness
    Latin American Countries Are The Happiest In The World, Gallup Poll Finds 
|    |
|    |        |    |       Latin American Countries Are The Happiest In The 
World, ...  Paraguay ranked highest in Gallup's Positive Experience Index.    | 
|      View on      |    Preview by Yahoo    |
|    |


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