Barry wrote:

 Whatever else may have been going on in her life (for example with her 
physical health), there has clearly been no change in her mental health. She's 
as insane as ever, and as compulsive as ever. And she still has that tendency 
to make things up in an attempt to "get" the people she hates.

 Barry will, however, not be able to cite anything I've "made up." 

 So all in all I'd have to rate her "leaving FFL" thang even more of a colossal 
failure than the time she declared that she was "leaving a.m.t. forever" and 
couldn't stay away more than a week.

 I came back to alt.m.t only to rebut the various lies that I knew Barry and 
the other anti-TMers were going to tell about me once I was no longer around to 
do so. I didn't participate in any other discussions on alt.m.t for quite some 
time (as Barry knows).

  After all, if you're going to try to pull off the Ambrose Bierce thang and 
just disappear mysteriously, you have to actually STAY disappeared.  :-)  


 Aryavashi made a few accurate statements about her

 Of all the purportedly factual statements he made about me, the only one that 
was accurate was that I'd never been around Maharishi. All the rest were 
deliberate and malicious misrepresentations (as Barry knows). And he's not only 
unrepentant, he's actually *proud* of that compendium of lies. I guess that's 
what Barry means when he says below that he and his gang were having fun with 
their persecution (yes, persecution) of the TM supporters.


 As a parting shot, the biggest problem I see with these guys considering their 
time on Fairfield Life as a "war," with them fighting valiantly against the 
forces of evil (me), is how silly they look when they all end up running away 
from what they've characterized as a battlefield. If they had just lightened up 
and not taken it seriously and had fun with it all the way we do, they could 
have just dropped out any time and still preserved a little dignity. But 
nooooo. They had to try to make Barry the ultimate Bad Guy and themselves the 
noble defenders of truth, justice, and the Fairfield way. So now that they've 
all thrown their hissy fits and run away with their tails between their legs, 
that leaves me the "winner" of their imaginary "war."

 They didn't "run away," and certainly not with their "tails between their 
legs." They moved on to a forum where they could express themselves freely and 
even disagree with each other without all the ugly, gratuitous attacks from 
Barry and his thugs.

 All I have to say to that is "Karma's a bitch."  :-)  :-)  :-)

 They're now enjoying themselves for a change. As far as they're concerned, 
*they're* the winners. And that's reinforced every time they take a peek at FFL 
and see Barry and others trying desperately to make a sow's ear out of the silk 
purse of The Peak. Barry has never had to face any consequences for his 
reprehensible behavior before. Now FFL is a smoldering ruin because of him, The 
Peak is prospering, and he is choked with envy and rage, knowing he could never 
do what Jim did, start his own forum and have people flock to it.

 Yes, Barry, Karma's a bitch.





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