So, it's all about Doug, not about what you posted to the forum, that caused 
Jim and Ann to leave the group in disgust. Go figure. 
---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Just for your information, Rick (on the rare chance that you're bothering to 
read this), how is Doug Hamilton acting any different here than the guy who 
tried some years back to get Fairfield Life taken down by Yahoo administrators 
by posting porn to it? 


 The *intent* is clearly the same. Doug is now SO off the rails that he is 
asking people to write to Yahoo to complain about 'offenses' he's making up, 
and his clear desire is for them to "bring ruin against the whole forum."

 In other words, this putz has decided that since people don't talk about the 
things he wants them to talk about, he's going to try to make sure that they 
don't get to talk at all.

 I feel for Doug, and am really sorry that he has developed mental illness. But 
I sure wish there was a way to keep him from imposing it on everyone else. You 
finally removed the guy who earlier revealed that his goal was to get Fairfield 
Life taken down by Yahoo administrators. Doug has just admitted that this is 
his goal, too. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2015 9:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is 
removed - Goodbye
 Ah, “Houston we've had a problem here”. We got a community problem with Yahoo! 
and the Yahoo-groups Guidelines.
 In style here, different from content, the endemic culture of bad behavior 
that has grown unchecked on FFL threatens the very existence of the whole 
community here. There is quite ample reason for Yahoo-groups to just unplug FFL 
as a yahoo-group if pressed. There are a number of writers here who chronically 
abuse the yahoo-groups guidelines methodically hurting others. A complaint to 
Yahoo could bring final ruin against the whole forum.

 Currently for instance, Salyavin808 employing 'degrading comments' in 
 the guy needs therapy, or at least some prozac...


 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.” Turqouiseb writing anonymously, 
Doug (I refuse to call you by your made-up name "Buck" any more),  ..“For the 
record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. Bupkus. I meant 
everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”


 And certainly more example in iteration further below here..
 Rick, I should not have to receive these kind of personal slur and attacks as 
ad hominem and threats from your yahoo-group. That is completely against 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. Please remove these post from FFL and discipline the 
membership of their authors.   -in Fairfield, Iowa  

 In Yahoo-groups guideline: Don't threaten.
 in FairfieldLife Post #409764
 Anartaxius threatens:
 “This means real bullets.”
 Bhairitu in FFL post # 409743 now maligns:
 “..Buck is in a fugue state..”

  In FFL post # 409725,
 Laughinggull108 writes: “..I'm beginning to think you just might be insane”.

 That slur is so like, Stalin-istic.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Well, I could provide content to FairfieldLife at yahoo-groups and participate 
more on FFL if Rick would do more to protect people on his FFL list from the 
endemic unkindness that has taken it over.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Turqb writes: Ah, I see that folks over on The_Leak 
[ ] 
must be bored with their lives again, because they're obsessing about FFL and 
about *ME* again.  :-) … Bottom line as I see it is that the ones who are over 
on The_Leak 
 still whining about how they were "run off" from FFL are trying to make it 
seem as if I "won" something that was never a battle to be won in the first 
place. I merely did what I've always done -- spoke my mind in as colorful and 
entertaining a fashion as I could manage

 In fairness:






 In FFL post #409895
 Turquoiseb trots out a very personal slur using 'dementia' in further unkind 
ad hominem

 Salyavin808 continues in post # 409734 :
 “Talking of crazy are you aware you posted your reply to the wrong thread?”

 Yes, I am very aware of that. This issue rolls over to the moderation and 
ownership of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. It is about your making 
personal slur, contrary to what is permissible under the Yahoo-groups 
 ..don't invade other people's privacy ..Also not welcome are belligerence, 
insults, slurs, ..don't threaten. 


 The cowardly ad hominem-istic unkind personal abuse, that is pretty low what 
you have just attempted. Deal with what is written, 


 Rick ; Now, they're trying again of the old abusive stump using the old, 
'Mental deficiency' slur..
 What a silly double standard being demanded by the FFL terrorists here. 'Sign 
your own posts for a while'.  Ha, ha, ha.  What a bunch of terrorists posting 
anonymously. They obviously are scared that I have the case for their 
administrative dismissal from FFL.

 Limbic, scared and recoiling such that instead of simply dealing straight 
ahead with the indictment of abuse and unkindness standing in their own posts 
made quite evident here they lash out with another barrage of a very personal 
Ad Hominem slur on a public forum. This is the really unkind thinking of some 
desperate people who seem quite attached to holding the FFL forum as their own 
in their own image of character.   

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I suggested what I did because Doug ("Buck") seems to have lost the ability to 
form short-term memories.

Feste37 observes :

 Actually, you suggested (..dementia) what you did because you like being 
cruel. You get a kick out of it. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 What was FFL? An Old Ship of Zion.. 
 Like the Old Ship of Zion of that
 old Shaker tune.
 Old Shaker tune:

 No, what Turq is offering is his periscope view of a passenger ship going down 
after his wolf-pack torpedoed it. I say, damn the torpedoes! The good name of 
the old Liberty ship of FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group is still worth fighting 
for even if helm-less the old ship's owner and its first-mate moderator do not 
respect it...
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

salyavin808 writes:

 A finely written piece if I may say so. It covers all the salient points and 
keeps Buck's nautical theme right to the end.

 FFL is much more buoyant for having ditched it's ballast. Full steam ahead me 


---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Doug and the rest of the old crew couldn't wait to jump ship and complain 
about the old one from on board their new vessel. But here he is back again, 
still pouring the same old whine. 


 Sounds to me like over on the H.M.S. The_Leak, their new ride is living up to 
its name and they're already trying to get away. I mean, here's Doug, one of 
the leaders of the mutiny, *already* begging to be allowed to come back to FFL 
so that he can rearrange the deck chairs to suit himself -- regardless of how 
anyone else wants them. 

 Meanwhile, I'm betting that most of us are pretty happy without him and don't 
really want him back. Because unlike Doug & the Whiners (sounds like the name 
of a 50s rock group) we just come here to have fun and talk about things 
without taking them too terribly seriously. 


 And that's an easy 'tude to understand, because if the ship of the TMO goes 
down, we won't go down with it. He will. 



 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick - Until the Vicious Negativity is removed - 
 FFL, she was once a good old ship of Zion.
 Yep, a Liberty ship sailing in rough waters.
 But I don't feel the pirates has broke
 her back. She just needs a re-fit
 and a better crew
 to tend her.

 Just like those Jews of old in exile looking back across the River Jordan to 
Canaan ,
 I do hope for a better time for FFL. 
 The Old FFL Patriarch Of Positivity,

 -Buck in the Dome

 jamesalan735 writes: Buck, 
For crying out loud, will you just let it go already?

 Dear Rick, I feel Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups is in deed worth fighting for 
and not just let FFL go over to the internet neganauts who have seized it. 
Rick, it is very nearly the New Year. Let us on FFL start the New Year 
traditionally now with a 12 Days of silence on FFL. It is time for a 
counter-attack to take back the brand of Fairfieldlife. Push the administrative 
buttons necessary in the ownership/admin section of the group and put FFL on 
hold in sync with our old and larger communal traditional time of spiritual 
renewal in silence. The New Year. Lead now and help these people to re-pattern 
and re-groove their lives themselves and to go stand on other paths. Cut them 
loose. These guys have gone overboard and have pulled us all down. For the 
greater safety of the ship that has been FFL it is time to cut them loose.
 -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Where Have all The FFL Flowers Gone?

 They've all gone over to The_Peak


..Sad Cords of tribute to the dispossessed, the refugees of what was once a 
more kind and civil FFL, what was once an Old Ship of Zion, -Buck in Fairfield 

 The Wreck of The Fairfieldlife group at Yahoo-groups..
 as like:
 The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

 Merry Christmas to FFL and especially to all our gone-away displaced FFL 
refugees who having fled the provocative hatred and bigotry that now so freely 
floods unchecked displayed on this forum.  Merry Christmas to those who are now 
living elsewhere in other kinder places.  Many have come and gone through FFL.  
Merry Christmas past, present and Christmas future to all who have visited and 
who may yet visit FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.
 Jai Guru You, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa


 Dear Rick, As an old friend I really feel that you should not just yield 
FairfieldLife [FFL] over to the culture of unkindness that has come to 
overrunning and now overtaken the FairfieldLife [FFL] community on 
Yahoo-groups. Yep, a substantial disciplined period of silence should be good 
for the whole group. A little time-out quiet time.
 Sincerely, -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 "And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and grace in the 
heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together and waiting 
together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met together inwardly 
in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there the secret power 
and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure motions and 
breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise."
                                     -Barclay Apology 1678

_stanley@... wrote :

 Rick's not even answering the private email I sent him about this, so good 
luck getting him to address this here.

 Dear Rick, How about 12 Days of a Holiday Silence starting Christmas Day going 
in sync with Christendom up to the Epiphany, Jan 6th as a re-starter for FFL?  
In so many ways this is the season of renewal, let FFL spiritually re-set 
itself in its own ephiphanaic time of inner silence,    -Buck

 There is in fact a lot going on in Fairfield, Iowa spiritually but those more 
substantial things get shared and said elsewhere and not much outside of 
Fairfield, Iowa. This forum should either be taken back or else have its ruins 
more appropriately labeled and renamed to, The_Abyss.

 Bhairitu writes, 
 Why don't you share what's been going on in Fairfield?  I even find your views 
and news on farming interesting.
 Nope, posting to this forum of Rick's any of a current of real things about 
Fairfield, Iowa and the meditating community here is too much like casting 
pearls before the swine or trying to turn a sow's ear in to a silk purse. - 
Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  



Aryavazhi writes:
Oh, Buck, they will not listen to you, don't you know? It is the same to them  
whether you warn them or do not warn them: They will not believe.


 Yes, but
 Son, We Shall Overcome
 and walk hand in hand..
 I do feel. -Buck

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