Apparently the first "Neo-Advaitin" was the Adi Shankara himself, a 

Excerpt from Mahayana Sutra Lankara by Asanga: 

"Pure consciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, it is Self-luminous." 
(XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off duality, he directly percieves the Absolute which 
is the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadatu)." (VI, 7) Sharma, p. 112-113

 ---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 Almost all of the Batgappers (imo) are Neo or Pseudo-Advaitins, the 
characteristerics of which are described in several excellent websites, if you 
google "Neo-Advaita".  They have numerous common qualities, but it best serves 
us to provide some examples then identify the quallities of Neo-Advaita from 
there - examples, Gangaji and Andrew Cohen.  Many of them were devotees of HWL 
Poonja, but by now there is a new crop of them, growing like bacteria or mold 
on an old orange.: 

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