From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

You want to assemble a mob so you can make a post about something?
Just when you think FFL can't get any weirder......
Publish and be damned.
Edg is to writers what ham actors are to the theater. Just wait...after a while 
when no one encourages him he'll get so desperate to hear his own voice that 
he'll offer to pay *us* to read his posts. 

I suppose that will happen. I reckon those enlightened folk over at  'the peak' 
will demand Xeno gets his "comeuppance" because he never joined the "let's hate 
Barry and shit all over FFL" club.
Never mind that Xeno posts some of the most thoughtful and challenging posts 
here and is never rude or arrogant or condescending about anything. He is 
judged by the company he keeps and that is that. 
Call me a skeptic if you like, but does that suggest to you a well developed 
state of consciousness? How much Marshy-style enlightenment does one need 
before they can look at themselves with a modicum of self-awareness and say "I 
wonder if the problem is me?"
So let's all hate Xeno. It's easier than thinking.

Not to mention how much easier it is to make hate-posts on FFL under an alias 
than it is to stay on The_Leak and use your real name. 

How many fake IDs *has* Jim posted under so far? He *finally* admitted only 
yesterday to having been "enlightened_dawn11" and there must have been a dozen 
other names that he used on FFL before that. Back in the day, his particular 
form of crazy was to spin out of control under one of these names, embarrass 
himself thoroughly, throw a tantrum, and then disappear for a while. Then he'd 
come back with a whole new posting ID and attempt to "start over," never 
realizing that we could *always* tell it was him because he always hated the 
same people and never could keep from declaring himself better than everyone 
Now he's *theoretically* over on the "nicer" forum he created called The_Leak, 
but it doesn't seem to be holding *his* attention any more than it's holding 
anyone else's. He has to "sneak out at night" and get his hate-fix by ragging 
on the same people on FFL that he did before, just under another made-up alias. 
It must really suck to be him if he can't even be honest enough to post under 
his name. 

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