This is hilarious. Jim and I pop in for brief visits, leave a few posts each, 
and Barry and Salyavin spring into full-on jibbering-idiot mode, slapping 
together a tag-team pastiche of stupid mistakes, lies, misrepresentations, and 
wildly illogical "analyses."

 Funniest of all, they portray Jim's and my visits as a massive invasion of a 
horde of bloodthirsty Peakers.

 I wasn't going to post again for awhile, but this is just too tempting. I have 
a little extra time this week, so I may stick around and take apart their 
freakout piece by piece. Stay tuned...



---In, <> wrote :


---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <>

 ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :
 I know they're trying to start up their old Mean Girls Club "Hate Barry 
sessions" again, but I'm trying to ignore them so that they don't drag FFL back 
into the gutter of their own state of consciousness again. 


 I'm not surprised to see Jim and his minions continuing to plague FFL so they 
can drop their "Get Barry" bombs. After all, that's really why they "left." 
Jimbo made a big stink about nothing because he was attempting to badger Rick 
into throwing me off of the forum. When Rick called his bluff and ignored him, 
Jimbo was stuck over their on Boring Forum, having to make up new lies about 
his supposed enlightenment every day to keep the people he'd suckered into 
following him there entertained. 


 Personally I think his most recent attempts to pander to his fellow The_Leak 
people *by writing to them on FFL* are (dare I say it) the peak of silliness 
and idiocy. He talked these poor people into running away from this "negative" 
forum and now he writes *to* them here, having created a situation in which 
they're so bored with him and the BS he slings over there on The_Leak that they 
have to come back here and read FFL every day just to get by. What makes it 
even more embarrassing for him (and more hilarious for us to watch) is that he 
has to do all of this while pretending to be three different people.  


 As for the Judester, it is kinda surprising that she's still so *obviously* 
stuck in Hate Barry Mode. I don't think she's made a *single* post in either of 
her drive-bys that *didn't* attempt to demonize Barry and his (her new favorite 
word) thugs. One would think that if a person is trying to claim they "left" 
FFL for positive reasons, they shouldn't undercut that claim by coming back 
every so often to prove that she's still *just as negative as ever* and towards 
*the same people as ever* -- Barry and anyone who dares to like him. 

 But, as Salyavin suggests, I guess we have to be somewhat compassionate 
towards these dweebs because WE -- the ones they obsess on and have *been* 
obsessing on for years -- are clearly the most interesting people in their 
lives. They may claim to hate us, but they *clearly* can't live without us. 

 I hate going on about it in case anyone thinks I'm reciprocating what I claim 
to dislike or even provoking it, but it is funny to see Judy coming over all 

 Anyone would think she was some sort of ultra-pure force for good on here when 
the reality of it is that she was as aggressive and intense as they come. Why, 
even WillyTex came out of character long enough to call her a mean spirited old 
bag for her endless haranguing of Share. 

 And it was hardly just Share, Judy loves arguing and when she took a dislike 
to someone she was happy to drive them off. If the peaksters want her as their 
queen bee I'm happy for them but it does underline what I'm going on about as 
far as self awareness goes. I'm starting to think people assume I mean just 
being aware of their feelings or something but being properly self aware is 
being objective about what we are really like. 

 We dislike in others what we fear in ourselves. I have cosmic love for 
everyone, I just wish they'd post what they think about things rather than just 
whining about everybody else. Great minds discuss ideas etc...

 To hopefully continue discussing actual ideas, Sal, you touch on something 
I've often noticed -- the almost total lack of self-awareness in this most 
vocal group of FFL (and former-FFL) whiners. 


 Take one of their most common whines (to paraphrase):  "They (meaning us, the 
people they project their self-hatred onto) are always LYING about us, saying 
things they 'know' aren't true and that they 'really' don't mean." 


 How many times have we heard this, eh? Well, the reality (at least for me) is 
that this reaction is bogus, because *I really DO mean it*. 


 When I have said, for example, that IMO Judy Stein is insane, I'm not "lying" 
when I say that, or saying something I don't mean -- I really, honestly think 
she's insane. What ELSE could I consider someone who has stalked me for over 
two decades, spending literally tens of thousands of posts trying her best to 
"get" not only me, but also to "get" anyone who dares to like me or the things 
I post. When I say that I believe she is insane, it is my *long-considered 
honest opinion*, not "lying." 


 She and others like her would like to *believe* that it's "lying," because 
then they don't have to deal with a larger and far more painful truth: "THIS IS 

 THAT is what they can't cope with. They have such profound and entrenched 
delusions about who and what they are that they really can't *deal* with anyone 
disagreeing with these delusions. Try to imagine what a *breakthrough* it would 
be if Judy were ever able to step back and say, "Y'know...many people -- quite 
literally *dozens* of people -- have been telling me I'm an angry, 
mean-spirited old bitch for decades now, and I've been reacting to this by 
denying it and calling them liars. Maybe I should consider the twin 
possibilities that 1) they are actually being honest about how they see me, and 
2) maybe I really *AM* an angry, mean-spirited old bitch." 


 That would certainly be refreshing. But we both know it's never going to 

 I may be wrong but I always thought she thrived on it. Certainly went for it 
with a gusto that I could never be bothered with. That's what tickles me about 
the apparent irony bypass that all this po-faced righteousness implies - if I 
dislike a place I just go, I don't stick around and dirty the atmosphere so any 
passing stranger gets put off pitching in. And leave they did, and then came 
back. Go figure. 

 I think they just all secretly love our wit and wisdom and can't face the day 
without finding out the latest from the world of dinosaur research. Who can 
blame them?


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