When you try to characterise an argument as feeble, you are not trying to 
respond to an argument in a reasoned way, you are just taking the lazy way out, 
so you do not have to do the work to think of a proper response. The only 
person on FFL I do not respond to is Richard, and I ignore his posts. I take 
time to respond to you however, but often you are very curt and dismissive. 
Judy was often dismissive in this way. I do not think Barry is this way, he is 
more of a hit and run assassin, and does not stay around to argue. I think you 
get annoyed if people disagree with you. I too get annoyed, but I usually try 
to think it through. Do you think of yourself as impatient? I often get that 
feeling from you. You sort of breeze through things without getting deeply 
involved intellectually, whereas I do not get deeply involved emotionally. Each 
of us is superficial in some way then.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 Despite your protestations to the contrary, trolls all look alike, and their 
objectives are always the same. Same template, different day. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Well, you certainly do not put any effort into responding to those you 
disagree with. That is another sort of feeble. Do you think everyone is out to 
hook you?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 You, like Barry, try to disguise your troll-bait. Unfortunately, you aren't 
any good at it. If you have any more questions about how the Yahoo groups 
interface operates, please ask. Otherwise, Xeno, I am content to be aware of 
your feeble intellectual masturbation, from a distance. lol 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 I don't see there is much distinction between a distinction and a 'technical 
distinction' here. Yes Rick allows trolls, although who is and is not a troll 
partially depends on whether you like the content or not. Share liked Richard's 
content, while I think he is a troll. Would be easier to scan through things if 
Richard was not on the site. Because Rick does not post much, and does not 
actively moderate the site content, what rule is he breaking? Content by others 
is not moderated, the guidelines specify self-moderation because Rick choose 
the hands-off option. Is 'darn' allowed bit not 'damn'? Seems like there is a 
certain flexibility.  

 Generally I observe people want content that they disagree with to be 
moderated, so which one is right in a disagreement over this? You do not break 
a rule because another does. I am not confused. I just do not care what you 
think about this particular subject. Moderating may require having some 
personal issues with what people say. If the guidelines were followed slavishly 
and literally, FFL would be as boring as The Peak usually is. If I were 
moderating this site, I would only eliminate one poster in the current group.

 Suppose I was moderating this site, and I made a rule that you had prove 
beyond a reasonable doubt that God existed before you were allowed to use the 
word or even the concept and related words on this site (you could publish a 
scientific paper in Science or Nature, that was accepted by scientists and 
replicated, that would work). You could talk about spirituality, but you could 
not use the word, say, 'divine' and others, otherwise you would be eliminated. 
What would your reaction be? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 Surely you aren't as naive as you make yourself out to be, Xeno? Yes, the site 
is not moderated, but that is only a technical distinction. The Peak is not 
moderated either, with regard to the group settings. You possibly don't grasp 
the difference between moderating a site proactively, which is what the Yahoo 
setting refers to, and consciously breaking the rules here, as Rick does. 

 Rick enables trolls, and that is definitely against the guidelines here. I 
hope that clears things up. I understand your confusion, as you have yet to run 
or moderate a forum, but perhaps you could understand the issue better next 
time, before posting?  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 It is for Yahoo to enforce guidelines, not Rick. According to the Fairfield 
Life home page, it says specifically in the group settings that 'messages are 
not moderated'. The choice to moderate content or not is left to the group 
administrator, and this is a choice Rick has made according to the way Yahoo 
set up the site. So Alex's job description here does not include moderating the 
content of the messages either. Yahoo made the guidelines and it is their 
responsibility if there is a responsibility here, since they also made the 
option to not moderate content available to the group administrator. The 
question to ask is why are you still here complaining about it? Your complaints 
are directed to the wrong people. Yahoo in fact might have far less leeway in 
enforcing guidelines after the recent supreme court decision concerning on-line 
free speech. You have your own content-moderated group by choice, so what is 
drawing you to a place you clearly SAY you do not like? This is insane 

 You have obviously not looked at some of the other so-called 'spiritual' 
groups on Yahoo and other places where similar ideological battles take place. 
Some get overrun with spam. Quite a lot simply die from lack of interest. Quite 
a lot of them hide messages from non-members so you cannot see what it is 
really about without joining. Some are moderated by their administrators, and 
some are not.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 Alex, before you and Rick sprain your wrists patting yourselves on the back 
for creating a "free speech zone", you must be aware that, contrary to the 
thousands of forums on Yahoo Groups, yours is not in compliance with the 
guidelines. Nothing to be proud of.  

 The guidelines are not arbitrary. They are put in place to foster discussion, 
about anything. If you and Rick decide hands off, there is no unambiguous 
solution to trolling on this forum. That is why the majority of the forums, 
mine included, adhere to the guidelines set out by Yahoo Groups. Rick's and 
yours don't, and that is no occasion for congratulations.  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 Thanks. From the very start, FFL was intended as a free speech zone. When Rick 
asked me to be a moderator, the job description was to handle subscriptions, 
keep out spammers, and make sure there's no porn or other content that would 
get FFL categorized as an adult group, where it would be much less visible on 
the 'net. For a time, I was also tasked with enforcing the moronic posting 
WRT colloidal silver, I would only add that it should not be taken on a regular 
basis, and even at 20 PPM, no more than 6oz should be taken per day.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 J Alexander Stanley is supposed to be the moderator, but he mostly is busy 
making colloidal silver and cooking meat at low temps for a loooooong time 
(wish I had some now). Personally I like his post on what he cooks better than 
I would any moderation stuff. And I appreciated him giving me the info on his 
silver maker. So thus far, I am quite pleased at the moderate role J Alexander 
plays as moderator.


 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 8:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Peep Show


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 Moderation ain't working, Doug, or haven't you noticed? There basically is NO 
moderation on this forum. Rick has encouraged us all to ponder these deep 
questions, but when it attracts trolls, he bails. No problem now that I have 
adjusted, but let's please not act as if someone is EVER going to do anything 
per the Yahoo Guidelines here. It is imo a useless thing to bring up at this 

 I thought you left? Left to start a group with moderation? Why not stay there 
if you can't cope with being here? Why the endless whining? Is it some sort of 
denial of service for the people who actually like it here? Are you on some 
sort of mission to save us from ourselves? You are the irritating troll, do you 
understand? You and your mates who also never contribute anything. Go away. 
Nothing is going to change here because we like chatting and having fun. Go 
away and stop spoiling it. You and your mates are tedious beyond words. Go 

 You are the trolls. Go away.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It is true the original post by Turqb was the meme of a slur in violation of 
the Yahoo-groups guidelines and should have been moderated simply then by the 
group owner. 

 Moderation is simple to do, either ask someone to withdraw/delete such a post 
themselves or a moderator remove it and suspend the perp's membership posting 

  Either-or. Ask the person for some self-restraint and if they don't come 
right through then clip their membership privilege. The Yahoo-groups guidelines 
are quite reasonable.  -JaiGuruYou!     

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "reverse_archery@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 8:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Peep Show
   How do you know no one here is a child molester? Since, for you Xeno, it 
doesn't qualify if someone suggests anal sex with babies, where do you 
personally draw the line, whether or not someone has such tendencies? I think 
you've sort of painted yourself into a corner on this one. 
 I am not accusing Barry of anything...

 Similarly, I am not accusing Jim Flanegin from the Chico, California area of 
anything, just reminding him that people who boast of having a huge stash of 
automatic weapons and ammunition and of knowing how to create IEDs and chemical 
weapons might just show up in the keyword scans of Internet traffic conducted 
by the NSA, ATF, and Secret Service, so such bragging might not be the smartest 
thing for him to do. 



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