"Glenn Greenwald, writing on online news website The Intercept, said the 
reports by the Sunday Times and BBC were based on the false premise that 
Snowden kept possession of the files he took from the US National Security 


Journalist Greenwald denies claim that Snowden files breached 
 Journalist Greenwald denies claim that Snowden files bre... 
 A journalist who published the first reports from Edward Snowden's leaked 
documents offered a detailed rebuttal Monday to allegations that Russian an...
 View on news.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <richard@...> wrote :

 As soon as you access the internet data highway with your computer, security 
is out of the question. 

 The ideal and secure computer is a system without any contact to the outside 
world - no  disks, no flash drives, no CD-DVD drives, or cameras and no direct 
contact to other computers by modem or network card or cable. 

 Many people do not realize that a computer connected to the internet reveals 
details about their personal life: who they are, where they work, where they 
go, who they visit, and their surfing habits. It's all there - housed as 
digital information at a data center somewhere. 

 Most hacker exploits wouldn't be a problem if programmers were a bit more 
diligent in their coding. 

 strcpy () is your enemy, strncpy () is your friend. 

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