Yoga Day Announcement
 All Maharishi Invincibility Centres worldwide to celebrate

International Day of Yoga

Founded by the United Nations 

21 June 2015
 It is a pleasure to invite all Sidhas and Meditators to join this special 
event to commemorate the United Nations International Day of Yoga. The annual 
event was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and major 
celebrations will take place for India in New Delhi, and for the United Nations 
in New York City.
21 June is the solstice – midsummer day in the Northern Hemisphere, and 
midwinter day in the Southern Hemisphere – a traditional day to celebrate, and 
now we can add the theme of International Day of Yoga to our celebration, and 
bring Maharishi’s unique vision of Yoga to our Meditators and Sidhas, to the 
press, and to our country.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
Most people understand Yoga mainly in terms of asanas (physical postures or 
exercises). However, Maharishi’s enlightened vision of Ashtanga Yoga (the Eight 
Limbs of Yoga) illuminates that the eight limbs grow together on the basis of 
the experience of Samadhi, Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of Yoga 
(unity) is to be created on all levels – body, mind, consciousness, society, 
and even World Peace.
An opportunity
This is an opportunity to highlight everything Maharishi taught us about Yoga 
in his supreme vision of integration of life, and what Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam has brought out in terms of Yoga in the physiology, to celebrate it, 
tell others, and enjoy spreading the influence of wellbeing for all mankind. 
See Maharaja-ji’s profound message below.
The International Day of Yoga calls for an upsurge of unity in world 
consciousness. For this purpose, Maharishi’s global organization will hold 
events everywhere on that day to enliven the true value of Yoga in every 
country. We celebrate the simultaneous growth of unity in every area of life 
through contact with that level of unity that is fundamental to everything.
Celebrate with Meditators and Sidhas at Maharishi Invincibility Centres
There will be Coherence Day events with a National conference call to celebrate 
the International Day of Yoga throughout the United Kingdom. Please see the 
email of 11 June about the National Coherence Day, and please call your TM 
Centre for details of your local event. 
 On the conference call, which will begin at 2.30 pm, Raja Peter will be 
speaking on the significance of the International Day of Yoga, and Dr William 
Sands, Dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Science at Maharishi University 
of Management, will speak on 'The True Meaning of Yoga'. 
 Facebook page
The International Day of Yoga is being celebrated in Maharishi Invincibility 
Centres in 115 countries around the world where Transcendental Meditation is 
taught. Group photos from the Coherence Day events and brief report will also 
be added to
Message from Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam on the International day of Yoga, 21 
June 2015
Yoga Day will no doubt become a milestone in human history, particularly if 
highlighted as the day of Unity. Yoga is unity between mind and body, between 
the individual and society, between all societies, between all nations and 
between all individual values of culture, tradition, belief systems, and racial 
Yoga brings together all separate and even apparently conflicting and opposite 
values. The dynamics of creation and evolution require some things to move up, 
others to move down. Some aspects of nature are dry and some others are wet; 
some cool, some hot. When balanced they create the steps of transformation and 
evolution. Yoga is that aspect of Natural Law, that aspect of Veda, which 
guarantees that all diversity is progressing on the basis of supreme Unity.
As brought to light by Maharishi, Yoga is not only one of the 40 aspects of 
Vedic science, which like all others make a profound theoretical contribution 
to knowledge, but it also has a practical aspect which allows every individual 
to directly experience and live
supreme unity within diversity. Yoga Asana 
helps to balance the physiology and strengthen the body, thus promoting a 
healthy body for a healthy mind and improving mind-body coordination. This is 
unity between mind and body.
However, the technologies of Yoga in the Vedic tradition, particularly as 
brought to light in the west by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with Transcendental 
Meditation, while improving all aspects of mind, body, behavior and society, 
take the individual and society to the field of all unity – the unified field 
of all the Laws of Nature. Science today has glimpsed that field by showing 
that at the basis of all that is material and physical there are progressively 
unified fields of electromagnetism, grand unification and ultimately the 
one Unified Field. Yoga in its ultimate technology allows every individual to 
transcend all differences, and to reach and directly experience that field as 
one's own self. It is on this grand basis that all differences become a joy to 
creation and never a source of conflict.
Yoga is therefore
for everyone. It is a science and technology of health, 
balance, peace, and supreme unity in diversity. That is why Yoga Day can be 
celebrated by all peoples and traditions of the world. Yoga is a science and 
technology of living well within oneself and well with all others no matter how 
different they can be from each other on the surface level of existence.
 Jai Guru Dev

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