No, don't be silly. I clicked on this one eagerly to see if the contents 
actually justified the headline. But they don't sad to say, and it's all too 
common these days. "Clickbait" I think the term is.

 Bizarre that NASA would wipe the original tapes of man's greatest achievement 
though. But not mentioned here is the fact that they also disposed of the plans 
for the Saturn V rocket that got us there. Someone could get all conspiratorial 
about that I'm sure, but it's worrying that if we ever needed to get completely 
off Earth, the only way we ever had of doing it would have to be reworked from 

 Russia is questioning whether the moon landings actually happened
 Russia is questioning whether the moon landings actually...
 The increasingly tense relationship between the United States and Russia might 
be about to face a new challenge: a Russian investigation into American mo...
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