I'm betting the little girl is not an orphan and also not 3 years old. The kids put on like this a bit in India. Pulling a con is basic education in India (MJ will like that). The Kumba Mela video on Netflix I posted a link to a little while back has an "orphan kid" in it but it turned out that he had run away from his parents and is later reunited in the film. Now Mira Nair's 1988 film "Salaam Bombay" deals with real homeless kids in Mumbai. The cinematographer even adopted one and he grew up to be a rep for Panavision.

On 06/19/2015 03:49 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

The sheer mass of poverty hit me so much harder this time.

It sobers me majorly about philosophy and spirituality: if India is like this, it is certain proof that more than talk, prayers and incense -- and more than Transcendental Meditation is needed. India has the very best scriptures in the world, and it's a complete failure -- this is the TELL that intellect and great heartedness ARE NOT ENOUGH.

Dear new visitor to FairFieldLife -- be very careful if you are exposed to any romanticizing of India's present condition or any excusing it -- as is often done by true believers -- such as: "India was so great in the past, it can afford to take a little time off." -- This concept was used by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi......I heard the actual words come out of his mouth....along with 1500 hundred others.

What is needed is a hands-on tool-kit for human psychology: do this and the person changes in such and such a manner. We don't need sermons; we need BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES.

The rub: not one person is willing to admit they need anything major in adjustments, and even a minor correction could take weeks of painful humiliation as ones past errors are brought to light.

The harder rub: all of Fairfield's children raised from birth to be good meditators yet still are growing up with huge personality disorders -- like normal Americans!

Here the video below is India, (I think it's India) or any 3rd world county today.

An orphan 3yr old little girl was roaming around streets trying to sell Pens <%20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb33F0ZPJUA>

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