Celebrating Insignificance Day

 Today, 21 June 2015, we celebrate the 30th annual pean to our insignificance. 
We are tiny points of dim light that briefly shine in a vast universe of 
impersonal forces, only to be extinguished after an average of some 65 years. 
As of this date this year 27,800,000 of us have perished as part of the 
recycling processes of existence. We and our consciousness are expendable. 
Please do not send donations, you are not that important.

 Blast from the Past Quotation of the Day

 'And yet spiritual seekers throughout the centuries have managed to find fault 
with the stuff that other seekers -- usually from other traditions -- have 
found Cool about the universe they perceived around them when they didn't.'

 'What's up with that, eh?'


 Copyright © 1985–2015 Foundation for Insignificance


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