And people still think that jack ass was enlightened!

      From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 5:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

So they were most likely to make the best rulers (in Marshy's thinking).
So did you guys find some Picts or Celts hiding about in some forgotten hollow 
or other?

I can't remember who were designated the true rulers of the UK, according to 
the machinations of Natural Law, maybe no one was? It's a difficult place to 
get to the bottom off ethnically, it having been invaded so many times. I've 
got Scottish blood in my veins so I think it should be me.
The madness persisted and developed though. I remember being on a big 
international course and Marshy declaring that the people from different 
countries should sit together in the flying room because their brainwaves would 
be more similar than those of people foreign to them. Thus, the coherence 
effect would be increased! 
I'm so glad I can put my hand on my heart and say I thought it was a load of 
crap back then and ignored the directive completely as I'd found a nice spot 
near window...  
  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 5:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

My goodness! So many things to respond to! 

I was the only one at the academy who went on the anti-war march in London in 
2003 for instance.
Did joo git in trouble for that at the TM academy?
No, the directors quietly disapproved in a "you aren't following the teaching" 
kind of way but it wasn't considered an actionable offence.
All those once enthusiastic people sitting around in the domes is a waste of 
Now you know this is fodder for you to get on Buck's bad side, don't you? 
Possibly even a bannable offense!

Yellow card at most I reckon.
Heaven on Earth won't fall out of the sky at us while we've got our eyes closed.
Scathingly horrific comment, this means the rationale for MUM and all other TM 
facilities) existing is nonsense! And here Buck is stumping for MUM donations - 
and that means any donations will be a total waste of money. 
Damn, two yellow cards...
Butthe thing to note is that everyone suddenly started going to see thetrooping 
of the colour at Buckingham palace and surreal things likethat.
God Almighty Damn! Did they really do that after he said such things?
Yes indeed, and I was amazed. I really felt like they would do anything if he 
suggested it but the creepy bit was the speed of the turn round, talk about 
aligning your thinking with the master! It didn't suit me of course, I felt 
that the original promise of TM was being more self reliant and listening to 
the inner voice more clearly so it seemed odd that people were letting someone 
else decide what they thought about things,
Thenit switched to the original, indigenous rulers of the country, theAmerican 
Indians in your case and erm, the druids (?) in ours. I can'tremember how that 
pronouncement went down in Fairfield, maybe someonethere could give us the 
details? But I do remember TM representatives insome countries in South America 
having photo op's with tribal elders.
Allthis craziness was forgotten in an instant when the first raja wascrowned as 
we suddenly had our own lineage. Astounding but true.
That is the first I have heard of this - I would love to know exactly what and 
when he said it all. 

Must have been around 1999/2000 up until the introduction of raja's. The idea 
was that the people who lived in the country first were closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country because they had the folk medicines that come from 
closeness to nature and things like that. So they were most likely to make the 
best rulers (in Marshy's thinking).
A search went up from the long term staff in every country to find the 
indigenous people's elders and announce a partnership with the TMO dignifying 
their right to the throne (if they were interested). I wish, wish,wish I'd kept 
some pics or a video. But as movement trends go it lasted about the usual time, 
a few years and it was a distant memory due to Tony Nader's "discovery" of ved 
in human physiology, consequent rajadom and the rest is a history we all know.
  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 3:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Well that is cool, I had no idea - I was really just looking around to see what 
numbers were being bandied about as to how many participants there were and I 
stumbled on how many TM'ers were there? Any rajas show up?

Any TMers on a demo? You're kidding right! One of Marshy's most dangerous 
pronouncements was that we (meaning people who do TM) shouldn't go on 
demonstrations because our energies are better used to change society by 
"influencing nature at the level of the unified field" .
This worried me because a lot of the people who got into TM were idealists who 
wanted a better world and some I know where involved in groups like the 
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, but not once they'd met the reesh. I was the 
only one at the academy who went on the anti-war march in London in 2003 for 
It would be great if TM was an effective way of influencing world events but it 
after all these years it should be obvious it isn't. Maybe it's also obvious 
that demonstrations don't change world events all that much but they are at 
least visible to people who may not be aware of what is going on, and if 
everyone who cared got active we could do something surely? All those once 
enthusiastic people sitting around in the domes is a waste of manpower. The 
world won't save itself y'know. Heaven on Earth won't fall out of the sky at us 
while we've got our eyes closed.
It's typical of the cultish environment around Marshy that he could change the 
way people thought in an instant. Once upon a time people in the TMO were so 
India-centric they forgot about the culture they lived in, until he pronounced 
that we should respect the institutions we are born into, particularly 
undemocratic ones like royalty, the idea of an unbroken line of rulers appealed 
to him for some reason. But the thing to note is that everyone suddenly started 
going to see the trooping of the colour at Buckingham palace and surreal things 
like that.
Then it switched to the original, indigenous rulers of the country, the 
American Indians in your case and erm, the druids (?) in ours. I can't remember 
how that pronouncement went down in Fairfield, maybe someone there could give 
us the details? But I do remember TM representatives in some countries in South 
America having photo op's with tribal elders.
All this craziness was forgotten in an instant when the first raja was crowned 
as we suddenly had our own lineage. Astounding but true.

  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 12:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

The fellow in the glasses in the video has a pretty good explanation of 
austerity in the UK - you agree Sal?
Yep, that's certainly part of it. It has definitely changed society for the 
worse. There's an element of fear about what's coming next and anger because 
it's entirely ideological, they don't need to do it to "save" the economy it's 
totally unnecessary, they inherited a growing economy and used the banking 
crisis as an excuse to reshape the place how they'd like it to be.
But the cool thing about the video is that I was lying down on the grass next 
to them when they were setting up the camera. I've got a video of them on my 
phone I took as I'd slept for an hour and woken up to find people still pouring 
into the square which brought a little tear of happiness to my eye, so I did a 
360 degree vid to capture the moment and the RTcrew are all on it.
You can also see the "fuckers" placard next to the interviewers left shoulder, 
I'd probably be in the video if I hadn't spotted it and got off the wall to go 
take a photo.
Shame that the only proper coverage of it appears on the Kremlin funded Russia 
Today, if only they turned their eye on corruption in their own country!
  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Monday, June 22, 2015 8:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Okay, you were there.
I guess you know.
The quick scanning I did, indicated there may have been tens of thousands 
instead of hundreds of thousands.
I think the way they operate is that saying "tens of thousands" is technically 
true as saying "hundreds of thousands" but said in a measly way to make it seem 
like something they don't like isn't as popular as it really is.
And if they went along and filmed the carnival atmosphere even more people 
would go. It's like Glastonbury without the music and with people shouting at 
you instead. Quite refreshing if you've seen who plays at festivals these 

The number of people showing up at rallys is often a matter of contention.
You aren't kidding here. The police figures used to be as hilariously skewed as 
the organisers. Pick a number halfway between the two and that was probably 
bearer the mark.

Fine, 250,000.  (-:

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Uh, dude, just for the record, the 250,000 is your number.  Most other reports 
have it at tens of thousands.
As a stickler for accuracy, I'm sure you appreciate that.
I was there. The figure came from the independent stewards the organisers hired 
to observe the march and record any potential trouble. Much easier to do it 
that way than end up being accused of incompetence and bias.
The MSM you seem happy to rely are dead set against the anti-austerity campaign 
because they are a bunch of right-wing maniacs like Rupert Murdoch and Paul 
Dacre. Most newspapers only reported there was a demo because it was in London, 
and posted a single picture of someone with a hood on burning a pile of 
placards thus giving the impression it was an out of control anarchist event. 
Subliminal fascism.
The BBC do what they are told these days. Way too scared of losing their 
funding.But if you are on a demo and Parliament square is full and two hours 
later the rest are still backed up the the Mall then there is more than "just" 
a few thousand.

Any time.
This is the sort of comment that makes you look like an idiot who isn't as 
clever as he thinks he is. Best avoid the smugness in future.

Oh, and by the way, is that slogan supposed to shock people?
No, it's supposed to be funny which is why I mentioned that everyone laughed. 
What is funny is that I had you in mind as part of the slow class. And here I 
am explaining it all to you....

You couldn't make it up.
A casual observer might wonder why I'm giving a troll the pleasure of a 
response but I'm just trying to keep my "actionable" headline at the top of the 
list to annoy Doug.
Fight the power!

Great slogan huh?

It was on a banner at the anti-capitalist march I went on in London yesterday. 
What a super day, so good to be amongst like-minded people all of all ages, 
races and creeds. United against a common enemy, a government that has waged a 
class war on the poor. 
And we did it peacefully, without setting fire to a single bank or police 
station! So much better to defeat an enemy by words, if you don't give them the 
excuse to get the truncheons out they have to open a dialogue with you or stick 
their hands in their ears and pretend you don't exist somehow.
We assembled at the Bank of England and listened to various rabble rousers 
demanding revolution and then we marched - all 250,000 of us - all the way to 
Parliament square, past Downing street, past the shoppers on the Starnd, past 
the queues for the theatres, past the hordes of tourists in Trafalgar square, 
finally packing the Mall up to the Cenotaph and the bridges by Westminster and 
even overflowing into St James' park.
What an atmosphere! Music, dancing, cheering at the speakers like Caroline 
Lucas, who was amazing, a true firebrand. Russel Brand had a go too but I 
missed that, I was too busy tapping my walking stick at an impromptu rave 
someone had started outside the Ministry of Defence. There was a real sense of 
community all day that reminded me that there are others that care about the 
downtrodden, others that want to change the miserable world we live in, to 
challenge the authorities that shape our lives and make decisions we have no 
say in even though we didn't know what they would be like when they conned 
their way into power.
And if the slow class is in today, I chose the post title because you can paint 
a sign ten foot wide and carry it all the way through London on Saturday 
afternoon and everyone just laughs. But I wouldn't try it here if I was you....

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