Interesting - if TM works then how the hell can all these issues exist in 

Get a clue Dougy, TM makes you feel nice while you got your eyes closed, it 
don't do shit to improve quality of life in ANY community.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 7:15 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The '93-'94 Survey of Meditating Fairfield
    Summary of responses to..

Ofthe 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the 
essayquestions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments andsuggestions; 
one individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committedto making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses,and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call472-7033 if you can help. Becausewe do not 
yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions,volunteers read the 
surveys and categorized all answers. From thesecategories, they identified 
comments more commonly given. (Therefore,not every comment is listed here.) We 
have provided these comments inthis section.  The summary to the essay 
questions necessarily involved a subjectiveevaluation. While the comments in 
this summary were commonlymentioned, it is difficult to determine whether they 
reflect amajority opinion or even a significant minority. They simply 
reflectthe more common essay responses as interpreted by the volunteers whoread 

25.My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues inFairfield are:• 
Concern about limited jobopportunities.• Need for affordable housing.• Products 
and programs tooexpensive.• Fairfield residents should getdiscounts on all 
products and programs.• Monies generated in thiscommunity should stay here.• 
Concern about prevalence ofpoverty consciousness.

37.My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concernsare:• 
Need for more ethical conduct(most often mentioned were adultery and divorce).• 
Strengthening family life (mostoften mentioned were neglect of children, weak 
parenting skills, andlack of recognition of the value of counseling).• 
Resentment of classism, elitism.• Need for less arrogance towardlocal 
residents.• Complaints about fatigue; no timefor social activities, feeling of 
lack of balanced life, etc.

47.To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I wouldlike:• 
More parental involvement inafter-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
etc.• Fairfield is a wonderful place toraise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, andpublic schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.• MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit;more on Western traditional 
academics. Need for more openness andcreativity; need to deal with drugs, 
alcohol, and sex education.• Better pay for teachers.• Movement should 
subsidize poorerparents so all kids can attend MSAE.

59&75.My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs andto 
improve  superradianceare:• Treat participants with trust andrespect.• Need 
experience meetingsregularly.• It’s perfect just the way itis. Just keep on the 
program.• Movement recommending programsfor evolution, such as Jyotish, 
Ayurveda products, yagyas, etc., thenpricing them out of reach of the average 
Fairfielder.• More flexibility to come in andout of Domes, especially for 
parents.• Freedom from blacklisting forparticipating in personal growth 
programs.• Ease the dress codes, especiallyin the Domes.• Do away with reserved 
spaces inthe Dome.• Too many sales pitches and hypeon courses.• Bathroom 
access, especially inmen’s Dome.


107.My comments and recommendations to improve TM Movement relations are:• Need 
for more openness:• Foster non-judgmental attitudes.• Administration should 
exemplifyin its actions what the Movement preaches.• Eliminate elitism 
andexclusivity.• People in authority alienate andsometimes offend with 
arrogance and lack of heart. • Eliminate secrecy and fear.• Administrative • 
Hire administrators withreal-world experience.• Need for fiscal 
accountability.• Hold administrators accountable(some suggested elections)• 
Dissatisfaction with BevanMorris.• Run the Movement withcontemporary American 
business standards and practices.• Fairfield community deserves tobe rewarded 
with discounts across the board on all Movement courses,products, and 
services.• Reduce Movement hyperbole.• Get out of the hotel business andmake 
Fairfield the focal point.• More and direct contact betweenMaharishi and the 
Fairfield meditating community.• A concern that the Movement isdying.

108.My major concerns, in order of priority, are:• Money: price of Movement 
productsand services, economic opportunities, and affordable housing.• 
Attitude: need for tolerance,love, openness, fairness, harmony, respect, 
togetherness, and freedomfrom fear.• Movement Administration• Dissatisfaction 
with quality ofcontact with the Movement. Get back to basics as when the 
Movementhad more heart and everyone was welcome; stop blacklisting. Too 
muchemphasis on money. • Improve physical plant: Domesand campus.• A sense that 
the techniques,services, and products are promoted for our evolution and then 
pricedexploitively.• MIU needs to offer strongeracademic programs and rely less 
on dogma and Indian culture andmores.• Questions about the currentdirection of 
the Movement and fears for its viability: Is it livingup to its promises? Is it 
a cult? Is TM a belief system or atechnique?• Positive thinking is the glue 
tohold the community together.• Community should be moreself-sufficient, less 
dependent on the Movement.• Need for accountability of funds;resentment of 
money going to North Carolina, India, MAPI moving toColorado Springs, etc.

112.My comments regarding this survey are:• "Thanks." Lots and lotsof thanks.• 
Felt good that “someonelistened to us.”• Deep appreciation; well done.• Wish us 
luck.• Maharishi should see this - atany cost.• Finally! Someone cares.• Some 
questions were slanted butgenerally objective.• A few typical quotes that 
wereexemplary of many answers:• “I feel pessimistic about myinput making a 
difference and what a lot of work for someone to readthis, but I appreciate the 
caring that prompts it.”• “Why didn’t we think of thisbefore?” 

---In, <> wrote :

As a [20 year] baseline, these communal survey files are docs to be found in 
the FFL 'files' section including a report of summary of written responses in 
the survey..  you have to become a member of FFL to open the files section of 
FFL at yahoo-groups. -JaiGuruYou  

| Section1: General Information | 
| 1.Age:<25 13 2%25-35 65 10%36-45 391 60%46-55 138 21%>55 47 7% | 2.Gender: 
Male 32050% Female322 50% | 3. Ihave lived in Fairfield: <1 year 19 3% 1-3years 
82 13%  4-6years 106 16% 7-10years 172 26% >10years 271 42%
| 4.Iplan to live in Fairfieldfor the foreseeable future: Yes476 75% No33 5%  
Unsure 128 20%

 | 5.Household Income(with spouse if any):Under$5,000 68 11%$5,000-10,000 65 
10%$10,001-20,000 114 18%$20,001-30,000 98 16%$30,001-40,000 78 
12%$40,001-50,000 59 9%$50,001-75,000 58 9%$75,001-100,000 42 
7%$100,001-150,000 23 4%Over$150,000 24 4%
 | 6.Employed:Full-time 370 58%Part-time 131 21%Unemployed67 11%Retired32 5% 
Self-sufficient34 5% | 
| 7.Employment: HourlyWorker 87 14% SalariedWorker 104 17% Self-employed 250 
40% HomeMaker 75 12% MIUStudent 25 4% OtherStudent 4 1% MIU/MSAEFaculty 35 6% 
MIU/CapitalStaff 22 3% Other:28 4%
 | 8.Education:HighSchool 56 8%College292 41%GraduateSchool 246 34%MSAEGraduate 
5 1%MIUGraduate 120 17%
 | 9.MaritalStatus:Single 231 35%Couple,no children 161 25%Couplewith children 
207 32%Singleparent 52 8% | 
| 10.Status:Meditator29 4%Initiator3 0%Sidha 279 43%Governor 337 52% | 
11.YearsMeditating <1year 1 0% 1-5yrs 18 3% 6-10yrs 36 6% 11-15yrs 49 8% 
16-20yrs 135 21% >20yrs 412 63% | 

StronglyAgree…SA Agree…A Neutral or Undecided…NDisagree…D Strongly Disagree…SD

| Section2: Economic Opportunity | SA A N D SD |
| 12. Myeconomic situation is currently satisfactory.  | 102 187 64 157 13716% 
29% 10% 24% 21% |
| 13. Iam optimistic about my financial future in Fairfield.  | 117 217 137 101 
7318% 34% 21% 16% 11% |
| 14. Mywork fits my training and skill level.  | 156 215 74 95 6926% 35% 12% 
16% 11% |
| 15. Iwould like to enhance my employment skills.  | 117 232 162 61 3319% 38% 
27% 10% 5% |
| 16.I am satisfied in my current job.  | 136 218 117 97 2923% 37% 20% 16% 5% |

17.My employer treats me fairly and respectfully.  | SA A N D SD137 154 130 34 
2029% 32% 27% 7% 4% |
| 18.I would be willing to volunteer my time or resources to helpothers improve 
their economic position. | 49 185 248 108 308% 30% 40% 17% 5% |
| 19.Information regarding jobs and other economic opportunities inFairfield is 
readily available.  | 26 152 256 146 384% 25% 41% 24% 6% |
| 20.My work schedule allows me to do my full TM program.  | 177 234 54 116 
5028% 37% 9% 18% 8% |
| 21. Iam comfortable with my housing.  | 187 246 74 85 4329% 39% 12% 13% 7% |
| 22. Iown a home or rent in the following price range:  | 

| Valueof Home (IF OWNED)under$50,000 134 31%$50,001-74,999 115 
27%$75,000-99,99986 20%$100,000-149,99951 12%$150,000-200,00021 5%over$200,000 
21 5% | 
| under$300 67 30%$300-$500 105 47%$501-$750 37 16%over$750 16 7% | 

| 23. Ihave an adequate saving program for retirement.  | 39 86 70 139 3116% 
13% 11% 22% 48% |
| 24. Ihave access to affordable health care.  | 75 220 68 113 16612% 34% 11% 
18% 26% |

| Section3: Social and Family Concerns | SA A N D SD |
| 26.I would like to get to know more meditators.  | 74 225 294 39 1311% 35% 
46% 6% 2% |
| 27.I would like to get to know more non-meditators.  | 60 218 288 66 149% 34% 
45% 10% 2% |
| 28.I would be willing to volunteer my time and/or resources to helpthose in 
need.  | 56 279 224 72 129% 43% 35% 11% 2% |
| 29.I would be willing to volunteer time and/or resources to helpmeditators 
move to or stay in Fairfield.  | 50 231 247 89 208% 36% 39% 14% 3% |
| 30.I am satisfied with recreational opportunities in and aroundFairfield.  | 
48 261 108 166 687% 40% 17% 25% 10% |
| 31.The needs of the meditating community are adequately representedin local 
government.  | 15 111 241 189 872% 17% 37% 29% 14% |
| 32.My family commitments do not interfere with my ability to do myfull TM 
program.  | 140 230 76 108 7122% 37% 12% 17% 11% |
| 33.The relationship between the meditating community and thenon-meditating 
Fairfield community is good.  | 18 155 167 233 753% 24% 26% 36% 12% |
| 34.The relationships among members of the meditating community aregood.  | 22 
198 158 210 613% 31% 24% 32% 9% |
| 35.The meditating community demonstrates a satisfactory level ofethical and 
moral behavior. | 19 131 129 263 1013% 20% 20% 41% 16% |
| 36.I am interested in developing a natural eco-community.  | 174 243 168 37 
1327% 38% 26% 6% 2% |

| 38. Mychildren are being educated as follows: MSAE 157 58% FairfieldPublic 
Schools 54 20%  HomeSchooling 42 16%  Other: 16 6% | 

| 39.It is important for my children to receive SCI as part of theireducation.  
| 98 92 38 26 1137% 35% 14% 10% 4% |
| 40.My children have adequate access to SCI as part of theireducation.  | 88 
96 36 29 834% 37% 14% 11% 3% |
| 41.I am satisfied with the education my children are receiving.  | 61 112 42 
29 1224% 44% 16% 11% 5% |
| 42.I would like my children to attend MIU for college.  | 37 38 115 33 3814% 
15% 44% 13% 15% |
| 43.I have access to adequate and affordable child care.  | 25 65 83 40 2211% 
28% 35% 17% 9% |
| 44.I am satisfied with recreational opportunities for my children.  | 41 110 
35 52 2116% 42% 14% 20% 8% |
| 45.My children receive adequate education regarding drug andalcohol abuse.  | 
23 67 89 34 2810% 28% 37% 14% 12% |
| 46.My children receive adequate sex education.  | 25 58 84 41 3410% 24% 35% 
17% 14% |

| Section4: TM and TM-Sidhi Program | SA A N D SD |
| 48.My practice of the TM or TM-Sidhi program is a high priority inmy life.  | 
388 166 48 34 1360% 26% 7% 5% 2% |
| 49.I meditate regularly (twice a day).  | 394 150 21 63 2161% 23% 3% 10% 3% |
| 50.I will levitate during my lifetime.  | 138 99 286 62 4922% 16% 45% 10% 8% |
| 51.I go to at least one rounding course each year.  | 125 119 89 198 11319% 
18% 14% 31% 18% |
| 52.I am satisfied with the quality of tapes and presentations atrounding 
courses.  | 71 118 201 152 7512% 19% 33% 25% 12% |
| 53.Rest, asanas, and pranayam are an important part of my program.  | 172 219 
106 120 3127% 34% 16% 19% 5% |
| 54.I regularly rest and do my asanas and pranayam.  | 80 135 117 209 10312% 
21% 18% 32% 16% |
| 55.I feel the TM Movement’s programs are complete and do not needto be 
supplemented with other self-development techniques.  | 134 125 88 140 15821% 
19% 14% 22% 24% |
| 56.Some self-development techniques are incompatible with TMMovement 
programs.  | 184 175 150 56 7429% 27% 23% 9% 12% |
| 57.For me, TM is part of a devotional, master-disciple relationship.  | 97 
133 126 159 13015% 21% 20% 25% 20% |
| 58.For me, TM is a non-devotional self-development technique.  | 160 231 112 
84 5625% 36% 17% 13% 9% |

| SECTION5: Superradiance (FOR SIDHAS ONLY) | SA A N D SD |
| 60.Superradiance is an effective way to solve world problems.  | 225 199 137 
36 2236% 32% 22% 6% 4% |
| 61.My experiences are better in group programs.  | 211 209 104 76 2434% 33% 
17% 12% 4% |
| 62. Areyou currently registered to participate in superradiance? Yes 415 68% 
No 195 32% | 
| 63. Ifnot registered, indicate reason(s) why: Personalchoice 109 44% 
Medical15 6% Notallowed to participate 17 7% Facilities15 6% Financial58 23% 
Other:35 14% | 
| 64. Haveyou ever been denied approval or renewal of your badge? Yes33 5%  No 
570 95% | 

| 65.Superradiance badge approval policies are available, clear, 
andunderstandable.  | 48 71 134 175 1918% 11% 22% 28% 31% |
| 66.Superradiance badge approval policies are administeredconsistently and 
fairly.  | 30 33 227 144 1835% 5% 37% 23% 30% |
| 67. Ifyou are registered, how often on average do you participate ingroup 
program? 0-3 timesa week 124 27% 4-6times a week 115 25% 7-11times a week 126 
27% 12-14times a week 97 21% | 
| 68. Ifall obstacles were removed, how often would you participate ingroup 
program? 0-3 timesa week 64 11% 4-6 timesa week 93 17% 7-11 timesa week 159 28% 
12-14times a week 247 44% | 
| 69. Ifyou are registered, what are the primary reasons you miss groupprogram? 
 Work 202 29%  Childcare 99 14%  Sleep 127 18%  Inconvenienttimes 57 8%  Lack 
oftransportation 6 1%  Weather 48 7% Preferprogram at home 100 14%  Other: 61 
9% | 

| 70.Individual superradiance fees should be based only on the costof making 
the facilities available, without any surcharge paid toTM Movement 
organizations.  | 297 153 90 47 3748% 25% 14% 8% 6% |
| 71.Superradiance should be free to those who cannot afford to pay.  | 260 193 
88 55 2642% 31% 14% 9% 4% |
| 72.I would be willing to pay more to make my superradiance facilitymore 
comfortable (e.g., asanas area, chairs, cleaner, healthier,etc.).  | 52 131 195 
154 818% 21% 32% 25% 13% |
| 73.Superradiance should be available to all persons who practicethe TM-Sidhi 
program in a respectful and non-disruptive manner,regardless of their other 
pursuits and interests.  | 275 171 75 61 3345% 28% 12% 10% 5% |
| 74.I support the creation of an independent superradiance 
facilityadministered by those who use it.  | 203 163 156 55 4433% 26% 25% 9% 7% 

| SECTION6: TM Movement Relations | SA A N D SD |
| 76.Increasing the number of meditators worldwide should be aprimary goal of 
the TM Movement.  | 259 205 121 28 1841% 32% 19% 4% 3% |
| 77.I am satisfied with the way TM is marketed to the generalpublic.  | 22 47 
142 199 2273% 7% 22% 31% 36% |
| 78.I would favor changing the way TM is marketed as follows:Decreasein 

330 135 85 31 3554% 22% 15% 5% 6% |
| Emphasison simple concepts such as rest and activity.  | SA A N D SD196 240 
123 29 1333% 40% 20% 5% 2% |
| Emphasison individual benefits.  | 209 279 88 16 1434% 46% 15% 3% 2% |
| Emphasison spirituality.  | 187 211 145 37 2131% 35% 24% 6% 3% |
| Emphasison scientific studies.  | 72 190 214 76 4212% 32% 36% 13% 7% |
| Emphasison world peace.  | 125 219 172 55 2621% 37% 29% 9% 4% |
| 79.The future of the TM Movement is promising.  | 67 114 169 154 13111% 18% 
27% 24% 21% |
| 80.Deepak Chopra’s departure is a great loss for the TMMovement.  | 225 169 
146 58 4535% 26% 23% 9% 7% |
| 81.I am able to participate in as many TM Movement products andservices as I 
would like (Herbs, Jyotish, Yagya, Panchakarma,etc.).  | 40 66 46 189 3036% 10% 
7% 29% 47% |
| 82.For those programs in which I do not regularly participate, theprimary 
reason is: Lackof time 49 8% Lackof interest 89 14% Lackof money 470 73% 
Other:37 6% | 

| 83.The prices of TM Movement products and services are fair andreasonable.  | 
29 30 72 179 3325% 5% 11% 28% 52% |
| 84.If products and services similar to those offered by the TMMovement were 
readily available from other sources at lessexpensive prices, I would consider 
using them.  | 240 229 66 53 5537% 36% 10% 8% 9% |
| 85.My relationship with the TM Movement is of central importance inmy life.  
| 132 131 149 127 11020% 20% 23% 20% 17% |
|  |

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