---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :Just to 
clarify (as Curtis seems unable to comprehend a particular point here)

Me: Bit of unnecessary condescension. I can comprehend points just fine, I just 
had not seen your post.

Ann: My apologies. My new resolution is to remain positive and to try and 
engender the same here at FFL (Edg, Steve and I are on the same page with 
regard to this, evidently).

A: Rick approached Buck to see if he was interested in the job as moderator 
after first offering it to me. Is this clear enough?

Me: Thanks for posting this I wasn't going to chase around to find it. I guess 
Barry would be gone now either way then.

Ann: I can't comment on that as I don't know but I don't think anything was 
premeditated, or at least in my conversations with Rick I was certainly not 
given that impression. No one was out "to get" Barry from either Rick or Doug's 
side at the time I was engaged with Rick on the moderator business. 

About Buck's relentless lobbying for control of this site, that is in the 
posting record so your being asked doesn't prove the point Judy seems to think 
it does. But then this is all Judy distraction from what I consider the real 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Yeah, pretty hard to manufacture a convincing counterargument, ain't it?

Me: Keep digging Ms Doubledown...You are extending my joy.

 I'll be a lot more impressed if your joy facilitates your coming up with a 
convincing rebuttal.

 The *fact* is that what Doug wrote isn't explicit either way.

Me: Says the person who professionally edits. Keep going...

Judy: But what I outlined is the way I read it when it was first posted, and I 
see no reason to change that inference just because Curtis is desperate to 
contrive "evidence" that Doug should be fired as moderator so Curtis can rescue 
his pal and cheerleader Barry from durance vile.

Me: Maybe I clarified the situation with Rick. Think that might be behind my 
confidence in what is going on here?


 Are you asking me to trust your word, Curtis? Really?

 Judy: BTW, Curtis, looks like the story you made up about Doug twisting Rick's 
arm to persuade him he needed Doug to moderate FFL has been busted. I'm sure 
you've seen Ann's post today.

Me: I am unfamiliar with her writing here, we have different interests.

 Oh, that's a good one. You and she have had quite a number of long discussions 
about matters of common interest (some very friendly, others not so). I'm sure 
she'll be devastated to learn she's been erased from your memory. Convenient, 
though, in the present situation.

 We all saw Buck's relentless lobbying for this to happen here. There was no 
"arm twisting" it was just persistence and the invocation of a bogus "problem" 
to be solved, the Yahoo guidelines. Maybe you should just contact Rick before 
you make a bigger fool of yourself Judy. You are on the wrong side of this and 
we both know why.


 Check out Ann's post, poopsie.

Just to clarify (as Curtis seems unable to comprehend a particular point here): 
Rick approached Buck to see if he was interested in the job as moderator after 
first offering it to me. Is this clear enough?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 I can't even comment on this right away. I just want it to sink in for the 
readers. Take it in, let it wallow in your mind. Take a moment, perhaps with a 
cup of tea, open the windows, hear the birds, breath in the the fresh air of 
Summer and enjoy something special, nay, something beautiful. In the way an 
Amazon naturalist might approach a spider in a web face high. Cautiously, with 
equal parts revulsion and fascination...

Exchange from a previous post:

Buck being channeled though Doug:

Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone from FFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. My 
master is the list owner. We had quite sufficient back and forth about this 
before taking our additional time to go in to pull the moderation levers in the 

Where does Doug say bouncing Barry was a joint decision by him and Rick? Isn't 
that what you accused him of lying about? 

 I don't see it. "This" refers to "I am only the CEO. My master is the list 
owner." Entirely proper, and what Rick said as well ("If Doug abuses his 
authority and/or fails to moderate fairly and objectively, I will revoke his 
moderator status").

 "Pull the moderation levers in the controls" refers to Rick changing the 
member settings for the group to allow Doug to moderate (delete posts, bounce 
people, approve posts before they go up, etc.).

 ???? Where's the lie, Curtis?

 Yer gettin' old, Curtis. Your technique is becoming calcified.


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