Plato and Aquinas believed in a "core person" who is imagined having some sort 
of eternal existence, and more, that that core's history was "responsible for 

This requires free will. 

 I don't believe in causality.  It's not a matter of free will vs determinism.  
I don't believe that "the soul" exists -- except as a construct.  To me, it's 
not an "entity of some as yet unknown materiality" that transmigrates to 
another body/incarnation or that journeys in astral realms or that enters an 
eternal heaven or hell.....or other explanations -- all of which seem to 
propose that "individuality must necessarily imply continuity" because: karma.  

 How can God be fair if a soul doesn't live again and again in order that IT 
gets "corrected" from having a tilted POV (warped plus attachment) due to 
damage from previous incarnations?  

 We ask.  

 Gotta be the same exactly entity that gets its rewards or comeuppance -- this 
is a basic moral tenet of most scriptures: evolution.   

 We insist.

But, BAH.  This addiction to "explaining and understanding the content of 
consciousness in MY nervous system" is simply tawdry.  Better to read tea 
leaves than take a snapshot of your mind at any given moment and then predict 
its future.  Picasso said, "Why ask me what a painting means if you're not 
asking a bird what its song means?"  Or something like that.  Same deal for 
every thought that arises -- the divine intent is not something that can be 

 We are witness solely -- but not at all soully.  

And even the witness is a bogus entity in that it comes and goes "as needed 
(heh)."  It is merely the least "unit" of identification -- not identity.  Only 
awareness is identity -- everything else is a symbol of it...even the witness.

Only awareness is generally defined in such a way that it is truly 
transcendental to all definitions.  Ask Godel about this.  Consciousness always 
implies individuality because all such "entities" seem easily differentiated 
from the others; whereas, awareness is the same for all reporters.  

Every mind.  Every entity is witnessed.  Awareness is an all time reality even 
if the consciousness is in a deep resting phase...or for that matter "just now 
dead."  Heh.  Awareness isn't some THING that can be imagine as having an "off 

Careful consideration about "awareness" forces a logical conclusion:  it is the 
only "worthy concept" with which one can build an understanding about identity. 

To identify with any particular nervous system is to be in error.  It is the 
act of NOT seeing that boundaries are projected and never truly validated by 
any looksee by any discipline; be it scientific method, scriptural syllogisms, 
or whatever.  

To identify is to NOT KNOW THE SELF.  If you think you're Krishna or Joe 
Schmoe, you've just lost the game.  The same awareness informs both nervous 
systems.  To me, "awareness" and "the Absolute" are as close to being the same 
concept as possible for two different words. Heh.  To me, every speck of ALL 
THIS springs into "existence" moment by moment as does any we 
easily see in a dream...where all the characters and even the chairs they sit 
on and the air they breathe and the laws of physics they obey.... ALL THAT is 
sprung/spun wholly -- in one piece -- by the brain.  There are not parts that 
caused other parts in that dream -- no true individuality of any "item" in any 
dream.  A ball doesn't fall to the floor because of "dream gravity."

Same with waking life. Exactly the same.  Dead dog's smegma or ojas entering 
Lord Indra's duodenum -- it's all divinely dreamed.....only entities in the 
dream can care about which qualities are present in any given moment in the 
dream.  Entities are liars addicted to certainties. Self blinkered.  Bubble 
jailed minds.

Egos are exactly like Moriarty in Picard's holodeck -- we all think we can walk 
out of the holodeck.  As if.

Bottom line:  I'm not a scholar, but I'd be sorely disappointed if Plato and 
Aquinas had not at least considered the above -- but in their terms.  Anyone 
here up on Plato or Aquinas?

I see "the Absolute" in all the scriptures, but it's usually a "fuzzy" 



---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 That's a heavy conclusion.  So what do you say to philosophers, like Plato and 
Aquinas, who have tackled questions like this and wrote books on the subject?  
Are you saying that they're egotistical and not sentient?

---In, <> wrote :

 The word "know" makes this a primal question.  My answer:  no.

New question: can a human nervous system know ethics?  My answer: no.

The ego lies to itself. IT IS NOT SENTIENT.  It is a process.  An artifact of a 


---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Of course we can. The query to be answered is whether it is worth the 
computing time and the bother of implementation.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 One machine said NO...which is correct.  It's database was based on movie 
scripts.  But if the database included philosophical and ethics discussions, 
the machine could have gotten the correct answer from those discussions.  Even 
if it got the correct answer, the machine still does not know what it said.

 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Programmer
 Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Prog...
 Machine is asked to define morality, gets annoyed when it can't.

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