-----Original Message-----
From: William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jun 28, 2015 6:23 pm
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Unintended Consequence of SCOTUS Gay Marriage 
Ruling Will Have Conservatives Cheering

-----Original Message-----   
 From: Tea Party News Network <i...@tpnn.com>   
 To: wleed3 <wle...@aol.com>   
 Sent: Sun, Jun 28, 2015 5:13 pm   
 Subject: Unintended Consequence of SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling Will Have 
Conservatives Cheering   
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                                 June 28, 2015                               
                                 Unintended Consequence of SCOTUS Gay Marriage 
Ruling Will Have Conservatives Cheering                               
                                "                                This past week 
the Supreme Court redefined marriage to the delight of liberals and gay 
activists across the nation.                                 Since SCOTUS ruled 
that the right to marry anyone is now the law of the land in all 50 states, 
there is an unintended consequence that should make conservatives gleeful       
                         ...                                "                   
              Read more...                               
                                 Audience Cheers as Farrakhan Exclaims "We Need 
to Put Down the American Flag"                               
                                 "                                His speech 
took an angry turn when he said white people don't care about the people who 
died in the South Carolina church shootings.                                 
"White folks march with you because they                                .       
                         .."                                 Read more...       
                                BREAKING: Look What Obama Did To The White 
House To Celebrate GAY PRIDE!                                
                                 "The north side of the white house is lit up 
in the colors of the rainbow in commemoration of the Supreme Court ruling to 
legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The ruling eliminated the option 
for the remaining 14 states..."                                                 
                Read more...                               
                                 VIDEO: Texas Governor Abbott Staunch Defender 
of Religious Freedoms                                
                                 "                                Texas 
Governor Gregg Abbott most recently demonstrated this by informing all agencies 
that they are to comply with the First Amendment of the United States 
Constitution, Article I of the Texas Constitution                               
 ...                                "                                 Read 
                                 ALERT: Obama to Issue "Gag Order" on Guns      
                                                                  "In an 
unprecedented move against the Second Amendment, President Barack Obama will 
effectively issue a "gag order" on all internet discussion regarding firearms. 
He plans to carry this out through the retooling of the International Traffic 
in Arms Regulations (ITAR), which regulates.                                ..  
                   Read more...                               
                                 SCOTUS Ruling Uphold Obamacare Subsidies; 
Scalia Sounds Off                                
                                 "                                In another 
bizarre ruling in which it seems they rewrote the law to save it, the Supreme 
Court upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under Obamacare on Thursday. The 
justices said in a 6-3 ruling that the subsidies that 8.7 million people 
currently receive to make insurance affordable                                
...                                "                                 Read 
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 3303 E. Baseline Rd. Ste. 207, Gilbert, AZ, 85234                              

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