If you want a dark-side presentation of the Advaita POV, listening carefully to 
statements made by season 1's Matthew McConaughey 
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/?ref_=tt_ov_st's role as Rust Chole would be 
a very good choice.

Rust spouts pure Advaita throughout the first episodes.  The only problem is 
that Rust doesn't not believe in God, and can't turn lemons into aide.  That 
said, I could not find a single misstep in Rust's statements about reality.

And then toss it into a gritty detective story, and you got entertainment.

I'm posting this at FFL because you guys here need this info more than at FFL2.

Because: Doug is preventing real-life-TMO from being discussed here, so a shot 
of Advaita might help balance things.  

Yeah, DOUG IS CENSORING FFL IN A WAY THAT HARMS IT.  I conclude that Doug's 
personality has a major disorder.  This is my opinion.  Does this get me 
banned?  How about "David Lynch has a major personality disorder!" -- that's my 
opinion also -- does that get me banned?

How about "Girish is a sexual pervert" -- I was informed about this in a dream 
message from God -- does this get me banned?

We don't know what gets one banned.  THIS IS THE SIN OF DOUG.

We don't know why Doug was given power. THIS IS THE SIN OF RICK ARCHER -- who 
now seems to have had a personality disorder all these years without it being 
revealed.  Why else would he have sicced Doug on us unless he has some deep 
animosity that he's never expressed?

So, until I'm given fuller explanations from Rick and until I'm seeing Doug 
actually step up and defend his positions without being the fucking putz he 
keeps on being here, then I'm concluding that Rick and Doug are fully in 
cahoots, and that means Rick and Doug are fuckwads without a hint of clarity 
who are striking out at the world due to their deep realization that they'll 
never be enlightened, never be anything but another piece of shit stuck to 
God's sandal.

I'm calling you guys out.  Doug -- you are sick minded. You need help.  You're 
legally insane.  You are harming everyone around you.  Rick, fuck you and the 
dog you rode in on if you don't straighten this shit out.

All the above are opinions.  I don't need to say they're true, because everyone 
already knows they're true.


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