The proper context of my comment is in the paragraph below. If Judy was a 
professional editor of people's words I would have to call her on a completely 
dishonest presentation of my meaning in the paragraph I wrote.
Since she cannot be held to such a high standard, perhaps her presenting what I 
wrote in a completely different context by her addition of the word "just" 
without the surrounding context can just be chalked up to being unfamiliar with 
how native English speakers use the following words:

From the paragraph she refers to:
First he tried to make it appear as if there was a justification for removing 
his enemy by contriving a fey interpretation of the guidelines and pinning it 
on an idiotic example, criticism of Lynch. This was a classic new-to-power 
rookie mistake. In his eagerness to assert his personal agenda he miscalculated 
how transparent his agenda would be if he used an obviously bogus excuse. So 
backing off of that he switched to a lie, that Rick was the driving force and 
he was just a servant. Anyone can verify this was a deliberate lie with an 
email to the list owner. I did, and it turned out to be a fabrication.

Here is how Judy summarizes my meaning:

(Curtis characterized Doug's initial objection to the Lynch post as just "a 
typical rookie mistake.")
ME: It couldn't be a deliberate misrepresentation to my intention in nailing 
Buck for the rookie mistake of attempting a transparent miscalculation of how 
transparent his "move" would be to others, right? 

Judy you are slipping. YOUR move is the actual rookie mistake. And you are not 
a rookie so I have to go with some other explanation. 

I find the two FFL groups completely exhausting in a way one FFL group was not. 
High five to Alex for moderating in a sane manor. When the dust settles there 
will only be one FFL for me. The one that is moderated the way he is doing it: 
Protecting people who post from asshole trolls with bad intentions, and letting 
adults express themselves the way they want. I hope it is back at the original 
FFL site because of the legacy of all we have put into this place. 

Alex has it right, Buck has it wrong.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 CORRECTION: Over on FFL2, Barry swears hysterically that he didn't say he 
would never read FFL posts. I thought he had; if not, my apologies. If he did 
say it and is lying now, I'll allow him to get away with it, because I sure 
ain't gonna go trawling through his FFL2 posts looking for the one in which he 
said it. 

 Needless to say, he didn't acknowledge or retract any of the false accusations 
I noted below...

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 UPDATE: Although Barry has insisted he will never read FFL posts, in fact he 
is doing exactly that. This morning he quoted my post to JR in which I noted 
that Doug had kicked out Barry, Xeno, and MJ not because they were critical of 
the TMO, but because of their defiant incivility. 

 Barry insists I was "mind-reading" because, according to him, Doug never said 
why they were bounced; Barry claims even Rick and Alex don't know.

 Au contraire, Pierre. Doug was explicit as to why he threw out Xeno and MJ:


 And according to Alex, "...I think full disclosure is in order. In Turq's 
case, the reason is apparent, but it has not been disclosed if this is just a 
temporary time-out or permanent...." (Italics added.)


 I agree, the reason Barry was expelled is not just apparent but obvious. It 
wasn't his post about David Lynch, because Doug never deleted it, apparently 
having rethought that issue. (Curtis characterized Doug's initial objection to 
the Lynch post as just "a typical rookie mistake.")


 I've said a couple of times now that it was Barry's open defiance of Doug--his 
declaration that he was going to ignore anything Doug said--that got him 
bounced, along with many instances of incivility (calling Doug "insane," among 
other insults). Even if Doug wasn't counting transgressions that took place 
before he was appointed moderator, Barry committed more than enough of them 
after Doug's appointment to warrant his being thrown off the forum.

 There really is no mystery at all as to why Barry was kicked out, IMHO. No 
"mind-reading" necessary, only Barry's posts and a little common sense. Whether 
one approves in principle or not, Doug has just been doing his job as 
designated by Rick.






---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 FYI, this morning and afternoon Barry, Sal2, salyavin, Michael, and Xeno have 
been busy cobbling together an alternate version of reality that will 
presumably enable them to feel better about themselves. The different, er, 
perspective is quite remarkable. 



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