If you do a search you will find a study that says there are more strip bars in the red states than in blue states and especially the Bible Belt. When I flew into Iowa City and stayed overnight near the airport I noted the local entertainment included a strip club. You won't find any of those in the liberal area I live in unless you go into San Fran or San Jose. They even try to shut down adult bookstores around here.

And tell us about the parties on your TTC.  I heard a lot about those. :-D

On 07/16/2015 10:01 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

The title to this essay is pretty much the whole essay which is merely yet another cheap-ass attempt to put negative thoughts about TM into the titles here at FFL.

Because: Doug.

Heh, nah, but seriously: Why? To make the newbies think twice. BAM, my job is done.

I suppose there are hookers in FF, but I don't know. Still, if there are some, why? TM promises to END ALL LAWLESSNESS if TMers meditate. But in a town full of TMers tming, we see every form of law breaking regularly reported in the local headlines.

As small towns go, FF is a hotbed of hot beds, hot heads, and hot air.

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