From: [] On 
Behalf Of feste37
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2015 3:50 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alex says Rick transferred FFL ownership to Doug



Calm down, Edg. Please. It's only FFL, an Internet group in which people 
exchange views on various topics. It doesn't matter that much, and Rick doesn't 
owe us anything. And starting a post by using one of your favorite expressions, 
followed by the person's name, is hardly likely to encourage him to communicate 
with you. 

I just saw Doug at Everybody’s. He assures me he won’t be moderating as “Buck”, 
will try to give everyone plenty of latitude, and will use the Yahoo guidelines 
as his template. Hopefully he’ll abide by the dictum "That government is best 
which governs least", attributed to Jefferson, although it may have been 
Thoreau or someone else.__

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