Sorry, Buzz Aldrin, The Moon Landing Was Just ‘Cosmic Manspreading’

 by Milo Yiannopoulos 24 Jul 

 American hero Buzz Aldrin came under fire today from prominent feminist Linda 
Thump, who claimed that the astronaut’s pride about being the second person to 
walk on the moon was little more than “cissexist white male privilege.”

 46 yrs ago Neil, Mike & I splashed down in the pacific. The world didn't cheer 
for 3 guys but what we represented. — Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) 


 Landing on the moon was just cosmic manspreading: white privilege and 
neo-colonial triumphalism — Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) 


 Until a woman lands on the moon has humanity ever really been there? I think 
not. Check your privilege — Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero)

 Speaking on Twitter, Thump said Aldrin’s “constant braggadocio and toxic 
masculine preening” was the worst ex‎ample of sexist ignorance in the sciences 
today. “I mean why would we even want to go to the moon? Have you SEEN how 
white that thing is? Why not focus on Mars as a testament to the brave 
struggles of the indigenous American peoples.”

 “Are we even sure he went there? I read online that the whole thing was 
probably faked anyway, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the 
patriarchal Establishment is seeking to consolidate its chokehold on women with 
fabrications and frauds,” she explained. “As any gender studies major can tell 
you, scientific progress is an illusion invented by sexist pigs to keep women 

 “I’m sure Buzz thinks landing on the moon was some kind of ‘scientific 
accomplishment,'” she continued, “But all it really demonstrates is how far 
women still have to go to achieve real equality.”

 “In many ways the pockmarked, scarred surface of the moon is an accurate 
reflection of the west’s male dominated and corrupt society,” Thump wrote. “I 
literally shake with rage that the primary features of the moon have been given 
Latin names such as ‘Oceanus Procellarum’ or named after dead white men like 
‘Copernicus’ and ‘Kepler.’ Where are the moon features named after real heroes 
like Valerie Solanas?”
 Thump went on: “Let’s get real. Until a woman has been to the moon can we 
honestly say humanity has even left this planet? I think not. Buzz Aldrin 
should check his privilege.”

 Warming to her theme, the lesbian academic this afternoon posted further 
commentary on her blog, which is titled Kill All Men, They’re Just So Icky And 
Gross And Who Really Needs Them Anyway, Oh By The Way Daddy My Tuition Is Due.

 She accused Aldrin of pandering to “neocolonial triumphalism” and of “cosmic 
manspreading” and called for NASA, which she described as “a load of straight 
white male dorks in a shed somewhere,” to change copy on its website to promote 
diversity and inclusiveness in space travel.

 “Okay, so maybe the International Space Station would have taken a few more 
dings with women piloting the shuttles,” she added, “But at least the interiors 
‎would have got a long-overdue spruce-up. All that space gray is, like, soooo 
Autumn-Winter 2013.”

 “And you know what, perhaps if we had more astronauts of color, space wouldn’t 
look so black all the time! Wait, no, I’ve got that wrong.”

 Thump suggested, in comments hailed by Democratic presidential candidate 
Hillary Clinton as “brave” and “prescient,” that the historical record should 
be updated to reflect Neil Armstrong’s first words from the moon, or “nature’s 
rape lamp as feminists in good standing call it,” in a more progressive and 
forward-thinking light.
 Thump’s proposed wording runs as follows: “This is an accidental and 
undeserved moment in time for a lucky entitled manbaby, one giant leap for 
oppressive neoliberal hegemonic capitalist heteropatriarchy. 


 Fuck the lot of you.”

 Buzz Aldrin did not return a request for comment.

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