On 07/31/2015 11:55 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

This article has been surfacing different places over the last few days.
But in the past I have been confronting the naysayers about the research
showing that being born at different times of the year (and some
different times of the day) can effect your personality. Despite the
title here is a roundup of some that research. Also i want to note that
research on astrology was done centuries ago as jyotishees in India
compiled the planetary effect common in many horoscopes and published in
works like the Saravali. Most astrology naysayers though are debunking
sun sign newspaper astrology which is not real astrology.

"in the past I have been confronting the naysayers about the research
showing that being born at different times of the year (and some
different times of the day) can effect your personality."

We remember, but what have psychiatric conditions occurring more frequently to people born in the later winter months have to do with astrology? This seems more likely to be about light levels or temperature or parental hormone levels or something - I don't think they know yet. But just in case, are there planetary conjunctions that occur mostly in January? I think not but it wou;d be an interesting study for astrologers to do. For some reason the doctors here didn't think of it ;-)

Can you correlate particular conjunctions with poor mental health in any case? That would be an interesting study too. You should be able to predict schizophrenia from someone's birth chart if it was an astrological thing rather than a seasonal thing, but not just statistically like in this example. Saying that you are 17% more likely to become psychotic because you were ! born in January isn't going to cut it as a test of astrology because it's a fact we already know.

It seems to me a curious post title as the research isn't about astrology, the one in the article is a bit more accurate.

Keep 'em coming!

Oh wait, I get it. Everyone thinks this is validation of sun sign astrology which you think is rubbish, I got confused because I was thinking vedically in terms of the "snapshot at birth" rather than predominant monthly things like Aquarians are generally amazing.

Does this research make you more inclined to get "western"?

No, because the research is still abstract and can be applied to sidereal astrology as well. Consider the planets markers like we used to use sun dials and things may start falling into place. But then electromagnetic waves from the planet you're standing on probably have cycles too and much more powerful than the sun or moon and may control our minds. Just a theory mind you.

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