Right, well this is how most such groups, including of course the TMO, keep 
followers intact and funds flowing inward. Stigmatize any kind of straying from 
the core group.  

 Personally speaking, retting rid of the overt influence of the TMO was one of 
the most freeing things I've ever done in my life.


 >Re: 'Off the program'.  I met a person at the recent Karunamayi silent 
 >meditation retreat who at the end of the retreat commented that friends would 
 >'freak out' and be quite 'upset' with this person if they knew this person 
 >had come to the retreat. There were a lot of people from the greater NYC/New 
 >England area from different spiritual practices and movements at the retreat. 
 >I asked this particular individual what they meant and how the 'friends' with 
 >their spiritual group would 'language' that this person was coming to a 
 >meditation retreat and being with another teacher.. (?)

 The answer given was there would be a judgment of being “irresponsible” and a 
“failing in completion” of their personal work as taught by their group. The 
young Nityananda has been around the NY metro area for some time and has a 
following there. In contrast this summer this individual went to public 
meetings with Karunamayi and then Ammachi too in NYC. This person has been part 
of the Nityananda group for many years, been to India with them, and has a 
network of long friendships within that group. This person in reflection was 
saying to others at the meditation retreat to have never had a meditation or 
experiences like what was going on with the retreat.  The Nityananda thing 
evidently is not meditative and is a lot psychological.  Evidently a straying 
“off the program” was becoming.. 'Irresponsible' and 'Failing in Completion'. 
..'Off-the-Program'! or an awakening of sorts. 


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