I like a current chocolate ad on British TV which features Audrey Hepburn - 

 I had a debate with my sister the other day on whether the makers of the ad 
had used a look-a-like model (my belief) whereas my sister thought the footage 
was from a genuine old film featuring Hepburn.

 We were both wrong. It seems the makers used face-recognition software and 
then made the ad using nothing but CGI. The effect is stunning.

 This led me to ruminate that the day could soon come when a feature film could 
be downloaded in which the viewer could choose which stars they would prefer in 
the lead role : Cary Grant/Grace Kelly; Bogart/Bacall; Connery/Ursula Andress; 
. . . 

 And not far off maybe the day will arrive in which you can decide to have 
yourself and partner as the stars!


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