
 Don't laugh so loudly for now because I have the feeling Biden would ask 
Elizabeth Warren to be his running mate as the veep, assuming that Biden 
decides to run for the prez.

 Also, many years ago Marshall McLuhan observed that, in the television age,  
it is not the content of the message that counts, but the image is the message. 
 It doesn't appear that Trump knows nor cares about following this idea.

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

  That is what appeals to his base. Trump saw *Whore-Hay* as editorializing on 
his dime, instead of asking questions like a real reporter. His response was 
classic Trump, very caustic and contemptuous. Everyone seems to think that 
every time he does something like this, it'll be his end but he just keeps 
rolling along. A lot of people are  tired of limp wrist-ed, week kneed, squishy 
Republicans that give in to PC. and let the media set the tone. Even Jeb tried 
to give in and use the term *anchor baby* to get a little *street cred* and was 
promptly slapped by the media and then crawled back under his rock. Couldn't 
you imagine a presidential debate between Trump and Elizabeth Warren? ROFLMAO!


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 11:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Trump Ejects Mexican Reporter from Conference
 Along with his other antics recorded by the media, this incident is not a good 
example for his campaign.  He appeared more like an enforcer.  Take a look and 
see if you agree.

 Jorge Ramos: Donald Trump ‘Absolutely’ Gave the Order to Eject Me From Press 
 Jorge Ramos: Donald Trump ‘Absolutely’ Gave the Order...
 News anchor Jorge Ramos, who works for Univision and Fusion, was thrown out of 
a press conference with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in...

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