Congress fully expects Obama to veto any bills restricting abortion or 
defunding PP. Nor do they expect to over- ride a veto. A line is being drawn in 
the sand.  A number of polls show that support for abortion is waning.
      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 2:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Debate from Hell'
Republicans Are Legislating Based On Fake Videos. Should Someone Tell Them?

The House passed a pair of bills related to Planned Parenthood funding and 
"abortion survivors" on Friday.
Laura BassettLaura Bassett, Senior Politics Reporter, The Huffington Post   
Posted: 09/18/2015 02:52 PM EDT | Edited: 13 minutes agoWASHINGTON -- In the 
second GOP presidential debate Wednesday night, candidate Carly Fiorina 
passionately described a graphic scene from an undercover video of Planned 
Parenthood in which a fetus that survived an abortion waits, its "heart 
beating" and "legs kicking," for a technician to harvest its brain. On Friday, 
House Republicans passed a pair of bills inspired by the same videos: One 
measure would defund Planned Parenthood and another would protect "abortion 
survivors." The problem is, the videos are so heavily edited that they bear 
little resemblance to reality, and the scene Fiorina described doesn't 
exist.She was most likely referring to the video in which Holly O'Donnell, a 
former procurement technician for a biomedical company, talks about having seen 
a fully formed aborted fetus, with its heart still beating, in a pathology lab. 
The video doesn't show any footage from the scene, but instead shows a graphic 
image of someone holding a small fetus in their hands. That image is not an 
aborted fetus, as the video suggests. Rather, it was taken from the blog of a 
woman named Alexis Fretz, who miscarried at 19 weeks and posted images of her 
still-born baby online. The image of the miscarried baby is not the only 
misleading moment in the videos, which were produced by the anti-abortion group 
Center for Medical Progress. Separate conversations are cut and spliced 
together to appear as if they are one line of discussion. Subtitles in the 
videos do not match the words being said. Entire chunks of time are missing 
from the footage -- even from the supposedly full, "unedited" videos that the 
Center released along with the more heavily edited ones.A forensic analysis of 
the videos found they are so egregiously manipulated that they would never be 
accepted as evidence in a court of law.Congress requested the real, unaltered 
videos of Planned Parenthood from the Center for Medical Progress earlier this 
week, but the Center has not yet released them to anyone. Meanwhile, multiple 
state investigations and a federal investigation into the accusations against 
Planned Parenthood have failed to produce any evidence to support the claims in 
the videos. But Republicans lawmakers continue to legislate based on the 
videos. GOP members of Congress screened the videos at a legislative hearing 
Thursday afternoon to support their effort to defund Planned Parenthood, as 
Democrats balked in disbelief. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) skewered his GOP 
colleagues once the videos ended. "I just think it's so irresponsible to use 
this type of material -- false material, inaccurate, misleading videos -- to 
make any case at what is supposed to be a legislative hearing," Pallone said. 
"Yet Republicans are openly ignoring the mounting evidence that the videos are 
fake and continuing to legislate based on them."  The criticism fell on deaf 
ears. "They're not doctored," Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) said of the videos on 
the House floor Friday morning before the votes. "I daresay none of these folks 
we're hearing from on the other side of the aisle have watched them." 
"Harvesting body parts, how could anyone defend that?" Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) 
shouted into the microphone during the emotional debate. The videos, even in 
their heavily edited form, do not show Planned Parenthood harvesting and 
selling body parts. What they do show is Planned Parenthood doctors having 
frank, technical conversations about abortion procedures with actors that are 
posing as fetal tissue procurement technicians. The doctors discuss the modest 
reimbursements Planned Parenthood is legally allowed to receive to cover the 
costs of donating fetal tissue for medical research.One doctor makes an 
inappropriate joke about wanting to buy a Lamborghini with the reimbursements, 
which amount to a maximum $60 per specimen donated. Considering that only two 
Planned Parenthood clinics in the country actually donate fetal tissue, and the 
$60 fee has to cover the costs of preserving and transporting each specimen, 
it's absurd to think the doctor was serious about buying a luxury sports car 
with that money.The Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood is unlikely 
to succeed anyway. The Senate doesn't have the votes to pass it, and President 
Barack Obama has threatened to veto the bill if it were to somehow make it to 
his desk. But the videos have already become a major issue in the 2016 
presidential campaign, with the Republican candidates accepting their claims as 
fact. "Let's ask Hillary Clinton," Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) said during the 
debate. "She believes in the systematic murder of children in the womb to 
preserve their body parts in a way that maximizes their value for sale." 
Clinton responded in an email to reporters. "Repeating false statements doesn't 
make them true, no matter how many times you do it," she said. 
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