Before I went to TTC in 1975 I rented a 1.5 bedroom house for $119 a month in the Seattle area. It was not in a crummy neighborhood either. In fact before I moved out the landlord offered to sell it too me and finance the payments at $115 a month. I didn't want the trouble of renting it while at TTC. Boy was I dumb!

Point is that economists will tell you the last time the US economy was in balance and livable was in the mid 1970s. One could even live comfortably on a minimum wage job back. And those were not careers but temp jobs.

The problem with public housing is that the economy has gotten so hijacked by the 0.01% that we're being thrown back to the time of Dickens. You don't like socialism but these thieves have so abused the privilege of wealth they deserve 100 years of socialism to rebalance things. Perhaps we should not just a minimum wage but a maximum wage too.

On 09/23/2015 02:21 PM, William Leed [FairfieldLife] wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: DON LOOS <>
To: Don Loos <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 5:09 pm
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: THE PROBLEM WITH PUBLIC HOUSING - Read it and see the pictures.

                                *The Problem With Public Housing*

                                The problem with public housing is
                                that the people who live in the house
                                did not earn the money to buy it. They
                                just reside there at the expense of
                                the taxpayers.
                                Because of this, the residents do not
                                have "pride of ownership".
                                They do not respect the property and
                                do not care for it as they would if it
                                were their own.
                                They neither appreciate the value of
                                the property nor understand the need
                                to maintain or respect it in any way.
                                Note the common theme of the following

                                The desk in the White House that Obama
                                sees fit to put his feet on was built
                                from timbers of the HMS Resolute and
                                was a gift from Queen Victoria to
                                President Rutherford B. Hayes and is
                                considered a national treasure and
                                icon of the presidency.
                                The White House belongs to the people
                                of America. Its treasures should NOT
                                be used by ANYONE for a foot rest!

                                These photos are proof that this man
                                has no class whatsoever and show an
                                innate disrespect for our White House.

                                SO, HERE'S A MESSAGE FROM THE PEOPLE
                                OF AMERICA:

                                Mr. Obama, you're not in a hut in
                                Kenya or Indonesia or in Chicago's
                                public housing. You're in the White
                                House. Property of the citizens of the
                                United States.
                                */With all due dis-respect, get your/*
                                */DAMN /* */feet off our furniture!/*
                                */In God We Trust./*

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