Jeezuz JR, I stopped subscribing to the Chronicle years ago. When they wanted to know why I blamed the plastic bags the paper comes in. They still haven't solved that.

But anyway, you have the Internet so why the hell would you even want a paper version of the news? The Chron is still a full sized newspaper but the Contra Costa Times and probably Mercury News are tabloid size these days (about the same size as a magazine page).

I also get local news via streaming radio and local news blogs. Believe it or not there is a new paper news startup over here in Martinez though they have a decent responsive design web site which requires a subscription too. They delivered free papers the first month in business. It's a weekly though and the local businesses can afford the advertising.

Funny, the Talk910 weather forecast says "sprinkles". Ol' Lloyd is going to get a lot of ribbing from Gil Gross today like "ever try stepping outside?"

On 09/30/2015 12:24 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


To tell you the truth, I've stopped reading the local newspaper because it was making me depressed, not necessarily because it cost $1.50 a copy now. So far, I haven't heard the shooting stats in Oakland, CA lately.

I've noticed that there is no TM activity here in SF. There's an office address, but I haven't heard of any announcements from them. At least, when I was in Seattle, there was a TM center that was more active.

Woohoo! I'm delighted to see the rain. That means I don't have to water my lawn this week. Keep it coming!

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

How is Chicago comparing with Oakland. Is it a contest? :-D

I doubt if TM will help. Probably some jobs or a guaranteed basic income might help though.

What's this funny stuff falling from the sky today in the Bay Area?

    On 09/30/2015 11:20 AM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Many people are getting shot and killed on the streets of Chicago during the past two weekends. Will this happen as well in big cities throughout the USA? Can this trend be mitigated by having more TMers in big cities? Is the Dome in Fairfield IA enough to create the ME for the entire country?

More Than 50 People Shot for the Second Weekend in a Row in Chicago <>

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More Than 50 People Shot for the Second Weekend in a... <> "Enough is enough," Mayor Rahm Emanuel told the press. He is now calling for gun laws "reflect the values of the people."
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