Spiritual Morality.. how about introducing practical ideas to these young 
people about those things what are useful to spiritual evolution and what 
things or activities could be hurtful or harmful as a part of spiritual 
instruction one can gain through learning to cultivate spiritual experience 
[inner consciousness] by quiet-time meditation practices?  Possibly giving a 
sense of spiritual discernment as to a construct of such things that are 
helpful as virtues and such things that are hurtful being sinful to one's 
spiritual growth. Not introducing religion but just some useful interpretive 
clarifying ideas as for a helpful public education, -JaiGuruYou   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 And, what does the public school principal do when searching the internet 
about TM and the principal finds the Global Country of World Peace with its 
patriarchy of kings and rajas?  How does a David Lynch TM teacher explain that 
to the public school administrator?

 salyavin808 writes:


 Simple. He admits that the TMO is a Hindoo religious sect that holds the vedas 
of India as the purest example of perfect human knowledge and that we firmly 
believe that recreating their alleged society would be the best thing for all 
mankind because we have houses that make you invincible, prayers that can end 
wars - if you can afford them - and if that doesn't work we can hop up and down 
until peace is restored.

 Then he picks up his unemployment cheque and heads out the door.

 OR, he can say that that is just the way we do things in our organisation but 
TM itself is sold according to it's proven benefits for self-development to 
whoever wants it. What you don't want to do is admit that the DLF is a gateway 
foundation to gradually indoctrinating new meditators by telling them about 
unified fields and yogic flying and systematically getting them into the belief 
system until they've swapped reality for Marshy's knowledge. Like they did with 




 Nine Days of Mother Divine

 Daily Celebrations at the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Campus
 October 13-21

 10:00 am-1:00 pm Mother Divine Recitation by five Vedic Pandits
 8:00-9:30 pm Evening aarti with all the Vedic Pandits   


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mikemail4you@...> wrote :

 Under Stress, Students in New York Schools Find Calm in Meditation 

 Under Stress, Students in New York Schools Find Calm in ... 
 Though evidence is thin on how well mindfulness and meditation might work at 
school, the use of inward-looking practices in the classroom is growing.

 View on www.nytimes.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



 “It’s built into the schedule,” said Linda Rosenbury, founding principal at 
Brooklyn Urban Garden, a middle school. “Everyone clears off their desks. They 
shouldn’t be chewing gum, but if they are, they spit it out. Their hands are 
free. We ring a bell.” A building full of preteens and teenagers goes quiet, 
she said.
 “It used to be that you wouldn’t say ‘meditation’ in polite company,” said Bob 
Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation 
https://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/, a charitable foundation founded by the 
director of “Blue Velvet,” that promotes and teaches transcendental meditation 
to adults and children, including those at Brooklyn Urban Garden.



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