On 11/01/2015 05:36 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

The problem with Halloween is it has become too much a "let's go get some free candy night." I'm watching on my spy cam right now as literally mobs roam up and down the street. And these are not parents with little kids but teens. Since when do teens not have Halloween parties to go to?

It must cost a small fortune anymore to jump up and down to answer the door on Halloween. And most of this mob is from out of the neighborhood. So far only one kid tried to ring my door bell with his little sister screaming at him "no!" I unscrew the two bulbs on the motion sensor security light on the porch for Halloween. If I just turn it of it will spend the night trying to calibrate when I turn it back on (bad engineering). So when the ghouls go home I will go screw the bulbs back.

I think I remember you talking about this in years previous. You sound a bit like a curmudgeon when it comes to doling out the treats. The little sister was screaming "no" because you are a known grump in the neighborhood or because you wear a particularly scary costume when you open the door to lavish treats on the youngsters?

Nah, the rule is if the porch light is off you're not hosting treats. When I moved here the neighborhood did a yearly party complete with a pumpkin carving contest. That year it got rained out and they never held it again. It was the replacement for the mob rule. Last Sunday they had a big todo at the Farmer's Market downtown for the kids. It was packed. Yesterday afternoon they had a Day of the Dead event downtown.

This is considered an "upscale neighborhood" (bet you weren't expecting that) so they figure there would be good treats here. But I did my duty years ago. The last time I hosted treats in 1991 no one showed. Since then it's been company parties or dinner and a movie with friends or family. Then friends moved away and family got too old for it I just did that on my own until it became too expensive or hard to find a movie I wanted to watch. BTW, as the years rolled on more and more people too caught on to the idea and theaters started getting packed Halloween night.

I don't like giving HFCS goodies to kids anyway and they really, really, really don't need the sugar either.

Parties for teens? Well a couple didn't make it home last night as the girl driving hit a tree and killed two of her passengers (must not have had their seat belts on). That happened less than a mile away. Sad, but there's the real Halloween horror for ya.

Anyway I have my 31st horror movie for this month to watch. Next month I think I'll focus on comedies.

On 10/31/2015 04:54 PM, awoelflebater@... <mailto:awoelflebater@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <jr_esq@...>
    <mailto:jr_esq@...> wrote :

    What do you say to that?

    Pat Robertson says Halloween is the day when ‘millions of
    children…celebrate Satan’

    Pat Robertson says Halloween is the day when ...

    Robertson, a longtime critic of Halloween, made his comments on
    the 700 club this week
    View on www.washingtonpost...
    Preview by Yahoo

    I say there is a man who was denied the opportunity to dress up
    in a costume, parade with his friends around the neighborhood in
    the early Autumn and who missed out big time. He apparently wants
    to punish other children as revenge. (smile)

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