Re "The banal stupidity of thinking your way of life is superior":

 Although there are admirable features of Islamic culture (eg, greater respect 
for the elderly) just ask yourself if you would prefer to live in a 
Muslim-dominated society rather than a western liberal democracy. No, I didn't 
think you would. To pretend otherwise is to be a complete hypocrite. And know 
what? Muslims feel the same way - that's why they are so desperate to emigrate 
to Europe and escape their own backward societies.

 The modern world has been built and shaped by the West. Our innovation and 
creativity show up the Islamic world as the very poor also-ran it is. 

 All the world's Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, 
Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though. - Richard Dawkins



---In, <> wrote :

 just like Northern Ireland or Nazis or the Deep South lynching of Blacks or 
the west lynching and genocide of Natives, the lynching of Mexicans after the 
takeover of California , the molestations by Priests,  the Crusades, there is 
no superiority or difference of one religion over another.The total deaths and 
sufferings caused by Christians in the World Wars, the senseless bombing of 
Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East by Christians which dehumanized and 
deranged the population and created this enemy. The incitement and financing of 
the predecessors of ICIS by western intelligence agencies with the thought that 
this was a good idea to get rid of leaders and regimes seen a obstacles at the 
time. It is all a complete delusion to think the problem is "out there" and 
someone else and some else's religion. The problem is you, your desire for 
wealth , oil specifically it was, at any price, the banal stupidlity of 
thinking your way of life is superior and to be imposed on others.

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