Anthem //a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, 
or cause. 
 This song was an anthem of the growing anti-slavery movement in Britain
 45t New Brittain - Second Ireland Sacred Harp Convention, 2012 
 45t New Brittain - Second Ireland Sacred Harp Conve... 45t New Brittain, led by Steve 
Biggs at the second Ireland Sacred Harp convention, March 3rd & 4th, 2012 Video 
by Seamus Hegarty. Audio by Danny F...
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---In, <> wrote :

 Part of the Union re-adjusted can work to be 'political' satire too for TM.
 There is dis-enfranchised sentiment in the meditating community out there that 
could hope for more 'authenticity' in the TM movement community.

 Substitute “movement” for “union” with some other substitutions and Part of 
the Movement could work as a pop song for aspects of the meditating community. 
 It awaits a troubadour to come along with a guitar to amplify it again. 

 “Now I'm a [movement] man
Amazed at what I am
I say what I think, that the company stinks
Yes I'm a union man
 When we meet in the local hall
I'll be voting with them all
With a hell of a shout, it's "Out meditators, out!"
And the rise of the factory's fall
 Oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union
Until the day I die, until the day I die
 As a union man I'm wise
To the lies of the company spies
And I don't get fooled by the factory rules
'Cause I always read between the lines
 And I always get my way
If I strike for higher pay
When I show my card to the Scotland Yard
And this is what I say
 Oh, oh, you don't get me, I'm part of the union
You don't get me, I'm part of the union.., etc.”



---In, <> wrote :

 The Shakers, a spiritual re-gen movement like ours looking for broad cultural 
changes, used this song as a meeting closer. It's a wows-er sung up-tempo and 
when everyone singing knows it.   Fun and catchy with a lively communal shakti. 
 The Gospel Trumpet:


 An Anthem //a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, 
body, or cause.


---In, <> wrote :

 Songs at Woodstock worked as political anthems.. 


 Country Joe:

 Uncle Sam Blues:



 ---In, <> wrote :

 It's hard to believe that "Part of the Union" is not meant satirically. I've 
never considered it anything other than a satire. In the early to mid-1970s 
there was a lot of public feeling against the perceived selfishness and power 
of the trade unions, who were, it seemed, always going on strike and 
inconveniencing the public. This song is a swipe at union arrogance.  

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Re "Part of the Union": 

 Another great song. 

 But I could virtually repeat what I just now posted about The Who's "Won't Get 
Fooled Again" in reference to The Strawbs' hit. 

 When I heard it at the time it came out I took it as a straight piece of 
pro-union power, lefty agitprop.

 Since then some have suggested it was in reality a satirical attack on the 

 From Wiki:

 The song is widely considered to be a proud folk anthem for the working man, 
and was unofficially adopted by the trade union movement. Some see the lyrics 
as satirically anti-trade union, though reportedly “the band has frequently 
stated that that’s not the case at all” while Cousins did not deny the satire 
in an 2010 interview.




---In, <> wrote :

 Here's your right-leaning political pop song. (Bear in mind the historical 

Strawbs - Part of the union 1973
 Strawbs - Part of the union 1973 
Strawbs - Part of the union 1973 Now I'm a union man Amazed at what I am I say 
what I think That the company stinks Yes I'm a union man. When we meet in the...

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---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 What would be your choice? Maybe . . .

 This Land Is Your Land - Woody Guthrie (1940)


 Where Have All the Flowers Gone - Pete Seeger (1961)


 The Times They Are a-Changin’ - Bob Dylan (1964)


 God Save the Queen - The Sex Pistols (1977)


 (All political pop seems to be left-leaning. Can't think of a right-wing pop 
song off the top of my head.)

 But I'd rate John Lennon's output as the best. Definitely the catchiest! 
 Maybe the song Imagine (1971) . . . or Revolution (1968) . . . or Give Peace a 
Chance (1969).

 But this Lennon track is so disillusioned and "plague on both your houses" 
that it best encapsulates my attitude to the dismal world of politics . . .;index=1&amp;list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMA;index=1&amp;list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMA








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