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Order in the Court

One of the world’s most criminally corrupt corporations will finally get its 
day in court. And it won’t be pretty.

OCA, along with IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration 
International (RI), Millions Against Monsanto and dozens of global food, 
farming, environmental justice groups announced today that they will put 
Monsanto MON (NYSE) on trial for crimes against nature and humanity, and 

The announcement was made at a press conference held in conjunction with the 
COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change, November 30 – December 11, 
in Paris.

“The time is long overdue for a global citizens’ tribunal to put Monsanto on 
trial for crimes against humanity and the environment. We are in Paris this 
month to address the most serious threat that humans have ever faced in our 
100-200,000 year evolution—global warming and climate disruption. Why is there 
so much carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere and not 
enough carbon organic matter in the soil? Corporate agribusiness, industrial 
forestry, the garbage and sewage industry and agricultural biotechnology have 
literally killed the climate-stabilizing, carbon-sink capacity of the Earth's 
living soil.” - Ronnie Cummins, international director of the OCA (US) and Via 
Organica (Mexico), and member of the RI Steering Committee.

The trial will take place in The Hague, Netherlands, next year on World Food 
Day, October 16, 2016. OCA, Millions against Monsanto and other groups will 
organize a global protest against Monsanto on that day. If you want to organize 
or join a protest in your city, state or country sign up here. 
This is a chance for the citizens of the world to hold Monsanto accountable for 
poisoning our soils, our food, our children and our future. It's time.

Read the press release 
Sign up to organize a World Food Day protest 
Full list of Monsanto Tribunal Foundation founding organizations (so far) 
Full list of Monsanto Tribunal Foundation organizing members 
Learn more 
Message from Paris

“Humanity stands at the edge of an abyss. We have destroyed the planet, its 
biodiversity, our water and the climate, and through this destruction, we have 
destroyed the ecological context for our survival as a species. Ecological 
destruction and resource grab are generating conflicts, which are being 
accelerated into full-blown wars and violence. A context of fear and hate is 
overtaking the human imagination. We need to sow the seeds of peace—peace with 
the earth and each other, and in so doing, create hope for our future—as one 
humanity and as part of one Earth community.” - Vandana Shiva, Terra Viva, Pact 
for the Earth 
 November 26, 2015 

Twenty-three years after the first United Nations Earth/Climate Summit in 1992, 
in the wake of a savage terrorist attack on November 13 that traumatized 
Europe, a multinational contingent of activists and stakeholders are gathered 
here for the COP 21 Climate Summit.

Ten thousand of us took to the streets of Paris on November 28, peacefully 
defying the government ban on street demonstrations. I, along with a delegation 
of North American and Latin American Regeneration activists, joined the 
protest, holding hands with our French and European comrades in a human chain 
stretching for miles. Our section of the animated chain, punctuated with 
colorful homemade signs, T-shirts and banners, was designated “Solutions.”

Lined up at the corner of Boulevard Voltaire and Allée du Philosophe, our 
boisterous group’s most popular chant, repeated over and over again in Spanish, 
English and French, drawing smiles and thumbs-up reactions from Parisians on 
the streets, was “El pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido” (“The people united will 
never be defeated).”

Standing at the crossroads of a climate Apocalypse, a growing consensus appears 
to be emerging: We must not only phase out Big Oil, King Coal and industrial 
food and farming, and stop polluting the already supersaturated atmosphere and 
the oceans with additional greenhouse gases, but we must also strip out or draw 
down approximately 200 billion tons of excess CO2 already blanketing the 
atmosphere. And we must do this utilizing proven, “shovel-ready” regenerative 
organic farming and land use practices. 
Read Ronnie’s essay 
Looming Deadline

Monsanto’s friends in  
 try to slip a version of the DARK Act (H.R. 1599), the bill that would Deny 
Americans the Right to Know about GMOs, into the end-of-year appropriations 

The appropriations bill, essentially a budget bill, must pass by midnight 
December 11. Or the federal government will shut down.

Stopping this sneak attack 
 on GMO labeling is even more urgent now that the U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) has approved 
 GMO salmon.

Contrary to FDA claims, the AquAdvantage® salmon 
 is not the same as farmed salmon that has not been genetically engineered. 
Developed in a laboratory by inserting the genes of a Chinook salmon and 
eelpout (an eel-like fish) into an Atlantic salmon, “frankenfish” is less 
nutritious than normal salmon, more likely to trigger an allergy, and could 
increase cancer risks by raising levels of IGF-1, a hormone linked to prostate, 
breast and colon cancers in humans.

Right now, the only states where GMO salmon will have to be labeled are Alaska 
 and Vermont 
 But those laws could be wiped out by a last-minute “sneak attack” rider to the 
appropriations bill preempting states from enacting laws on any foods 
containing GMOs, including frankenfish.

TAKE ACTION: Call and write your Senators and Member of Congress today! Tell 
them to reject Monsanto’s GMO labeling sneak attack rider to the appropriations 
Read our letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee 
on Agriculture 
Eight Days

As the midnight December 11 deadline for Congress to pass a budget bill 
approaches, Monsanto and Big Food are still scrambling to put a permanent legal 
end to GMO labeling laws, including the one in Vermont that’s set to take 
effect July 1, 2016.

At this point, there’s no chance a Senate version of the DARK Act, passed by 
the House in July, will be introduced, much less be subjected to proper 
hearings or a vote. Monsanto’s only hope now is to attach a rider to the 
appropriations bill, forcing Congress to either side with Monsanto, or face a 
government shutdown.

We know what Monsanto and Big Food are aiming for—a worthless voluntary scheme 
involving QR barcodes and smartphones. Just this week, the Grocery 
Manufacturers Association (GMA) announced, with great fanfare, that 30 
companies and counting have signed up for the GMA’s shiny new SmartLabel 
technology. The GMA hopes consumers will swoon over a “labeling” system that 
requires them to use a smart phone that leads to a flashy corporate website in 
order to find out what’s in their food.

Will this Big Announcement from Big Food sway Congress to allow Monsanto to 
stomp out state labeling laws?

Not if consumers object, loudly and often, every day for the next eight days.

As Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) told Congress yesterday:

"The bottom line is this is bad policy. Consumers are smart. They pay attention 
to what they eat, and if you give them the ability to choose ... they will make 
the right decision. And it's their decision to make."

We have eight days to stop Monsanto’s rider and save Vermont’s GMO labeling 
law. We can do this. With your help.

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association 
 (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair 
trade and public education)

Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund  
 but necessary for our GMO labeling legislative efforts)

Frankenfish Fraud Fest

On November 2, 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the 
first genetically modified food animal—an Atlantic salmon that grows twice as 
fast as natural salmon, thanks to the insertion of genes from Chinook salmon 
and eelpout (an eel-like fish).

This approval is so wrong, on so many levels, that it’s hard to know where to 

For one, the FDA regulates GMO salmon as a drug, not a food—"because the 
recombinant DNA (rDNA) construct introduced into the animal meets the 
definition of a drug."

If that’s the case, you would think this new “drug” should be labeled. But it 
won’t be, because out of the other side of the FDA’s mouth, the agency has 
declared GMO salmon to be nutritionally equivalent to conventional farm-raised 
Atlantic salmon.

As this article 
 on <> says:

In the eyes of the FDA, it's a perfectly normal fish, but it's also a drug, but 
since it's a fish that is comparable to other fish, it doesn't need to be 
labeled, even though all drugs typically need to be labeled...

But of course the new frankenfish is not nutritionally equivalent to farmed 
salmon. Worse yet, the FDA approved GMO salmon on the basis of flawed studies, 
none of which included long-term safety testing to prove genetically engineered 
salmon is safe for human consumption.

It’s a veritable Frankenfish Fraud Fest. And with an estimated 
 35 other species of genetically altered food animals in the pipeline, it will 
only get worse. Unless consumers boycott GMO salmon, and every retailer or 
restaurant that sells it.

All you wanted to know about Frankenfish 
Good News from Paris

If you’re following the climate talks in Paris this week, you probably haven’t 
heard much about France’s “4 parts for 1000 Initiative.” That’s because the Big 
Wigs (Bill Gates et al) and the Big Politicians, in their allegiance to the Big 
Corporations, are fixated on too-small reductions in carbon emissions and on 
how to profit from fancy new renewable energy technologies.

In our opinion, France’s “4 parts for 1000 Initiative” is the most exciting 
news to come out of Paris. Which is why OCA has signed on to the Initiative 
 along with other countries and international NGOs from around the world.

France’s “4 parts for 1000 Initiative” connects the dots between soil, food and 
climate. Here’s the theory behind the Initiative. The world’s soils contain two 
to three times more carbon than the atmosphere. By increasing the amount of 
carbon stored in the soil by just 4 parts for 1000 in the top 30 or 40cm of the 
soil, we bring the increase in atmospheric CO2 to a dead stop.

How do we put more carbon in the soil? We stop turning forests into palm oil 
and GMO soy plantations. And we start increasing organic regenerative farming 
practices that build soil organic matter and increase the soil’s capacity to 
draw down excess carbon from the atmosphere. (This is not to be confused with 
Monsanto’s new “carbon-neutral” 
 agriculture which might reduce CO2 emissions, but will never, ever rebuild 
organic matter and draw down carbon from the atmosphere).

Watch the video 
More on France’s 4 per 1000 Initiative 
Essential Reading for the Week

Global Agricultural Transition Under Way to Boost Resilience to Climate Change 
and Reduce Emissions 
Benefits of Strength Training: Strong Body Linked to Strong Mind 
Agent Orange Crops: EPA Turnaround on Toxic Herbicide 'Huge Victory for Future 
of Food' 
3 Sometimes Forgotten Reasons Organic Whole Foods Are Better for the 
Groups Deliver a Turkey of a Dinner to Minnesota Senator 
Foreshadowing TPP Troubles — Trade Ruling Nixes Dolphin-Safe Tuna Label 
The Shocking Difference between Organic & Non-GMO Labels - It's Huge! 
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