Just heard this on the radio.  All international trips are cancelled, including 
the upcoming sports team trips to the US (e.g. hockey game in Hawaii).  The 
spokesperson said that, in addition to the Paris attacks, the San Bernadino 
shooting and the 355 mass shootings in the US this year (a number they heard 
last week) played into the decision.  It's too dangerous here for them to take 
the risk to travel to the US; "anything could happen at anytime."  Of course, 
they have to care for others' children, which makes a difference in their risk 
assessment, I'm sure.   

 'Recent global events' prompt Catholic schools to cancel international trips 

 'Recent global events' prompt Catholic schools t... 
 All international travel for students and staff at Alberta's two largest 
Catholic school districts has been cancelled for the remainder of the school 
year in th...
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