It is daft. It is insane. But that's America for you. 

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Re "The requirements to drive and own a car are significantly more stringent 
than to acquire and possess a firearm. ":

 Thanks Emily.

 Sounds daft to me.




---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 The requirements to drive and own a car are significantly more stringent than 
to acquire and possess a firearm.  

 Re: registration requirements...

 "There is no comprehensive national system of gun registration.  In fact, 
federal law prohibits the use of the National Instant Criminal Background Check 
System (NICS) to create any system of registration of firearms or firearm 

 A limited system of federal firearms registration was created by the National 
Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. § 5801 et seq.  The National Firearms Act (“NFA”) was 
enacted in 1934 to impose an excise tax and registration requirements on a 
narrow category of firearms, including machine guns, short-barreled shotguns or 
rifles, and silencers, and these weapons must also be registered under the NFA.'


 Registration requirements by state varies widely.  "Eight states have statutes 
prohibiting them from maintaining a registry of firearms except in limited 

 Registration of Firearms Policy Summary
 Registration of Firearms Policy Summary
 Firearm registration laws require individuals to record their ownership of a 
firearm with a designated law enforcement agency.  These laws enable l

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---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 But there must be a register of gun ownership surely?  

 Even car owners have their names and addresses linked to their vehicle licence 
plates (I've seen American cop shows on TV ;-) ).

 So it can't be difficult to check if someone owns 100 sports cars.

 Ditto firearms, no?



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Dear Scorpion Meditator;  No.  For instance our dear, dear moderator of FFL 
can buy as many as he wishes, so long as he don't have a felony convction again 
him.  But even then felons get guns pretty easy through friends, garage sales 
and gun show flea markets.  Is easy to 'collect' semi-auto assualt guns of all 
sizes. Even [meditating] kids growing up here while in high school and their 
friends collected all kinds of armament and would go out and shoot together.  
You know, explore the physics of ballistics.  The science of it.  It is the 
culture.  You should see the collection of antique guns one of my offspring who 
was deep in to Civil War re-enacting has.  From those days I have friends with 
live-fire cannon in their garages at home.  Most places you just can't carry 
them openly.  Depends on the locality in America.  Lot of places you can get a 
permit to carry loaded guns 'on your person'.  Other places you don't need 

 It is cultural.  Like, the annual great communal deer hunt is going on right 
now here: shotgun season.  And there are all sorts [undreds and maybe 
thousands] of armed people racing around in pickup trucks like mad people 
dressed in blaze orange right now.  Some of them no doubt liquored up too.  I 
pull my livestock in close during these weeks of the tribal annual deer hunt.

 I sold horses once to an engineer who was a manager of a DuPont chemical plant 
out in Maryland a few years back.   He was saying they would shut their plants 
down during deer season because so many of their folks would call in sick 
anyway on those days.  

 Basically, growing up American, if you go to a scout camp in America you learn 
to shoot an arrow and a gun.  It is American. Evidently this is engrained as a 
first line of defense again religious nuts of various stripes, even protecting 
us from white X-ains of various bolts of white cloth.  It is old history with 
us.   -JaiGuruYou    

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 A query from Scorpion Nation: 

 When US citizens buy a firearm they have to register the gun, no?

 Is there some central, federal agency coordinating the sales invoices?

 What I'm wondering is if a citizen were to buy 20 semi-automatic rifles would 
anyone in authority be aware that he had built up such an arsenal and wouldn't 
that automatically trigger concerns that maybe he needed appraising re possible 
terrorist/security risks? Perhaps in the States it's just regarded as his 
personal preference and a private matter . . . 


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