Anne... I bet you fell for it, believed every word that MM wrote. Personally, I 
can't. Sounds like MM trying to fluff up his persona, you know , the guy that 
all rich capitalists fear, their worst nightmare, the one that will expose all 
of their *dirty little secrets*. I don't see Trump fearing anybody, even public 
opinion, much less a creep like Michael Moore, who justifies his *life* as 
protector of the poor and down trodden, deserving of their praise and adoration.


      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 10:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Michael Moore Writes Trump
    Today I went & stood in front of Trump Tower & held a sign until the police 
came. Then I went home & wrote Donald a letter. Here it is:Dear Donald 
Trump:You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we 
met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were 
both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled 
aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being 
on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you 
wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you.""Does he think I'm going to 
tackle him and put him in a choke hold?" I asked, bewildered."No," the producer 
replied, "he just seems all jittery about you.""Huh. I've never met the guy. 
There's no reason for him to be scared," I said. "I really don't know much 
about him other than he seems to like his name on stuff. I'll talk to him if 
you want me to."And so, as you may remember, I did. I went up and introduced 
myself to you. "The producer says you're worried I might say or do something to 
you during the show. Hey, no offense, but I barely know who you are. I'm from 
Michigan. Please don't worry -- we're gonna get along just fine!"You seemed 
relieved, then leaned in and said to me, "I just didn't want any trouble out 
there and I just wanted to make sure that, you know, you and I got along. That 
you weren't going to pick on me for something ridiculous.""Pick on" you? I 
thought, where are we, in 3rd grade? I was struck by how you, a self-described 
tough guy from Queens, seemed like such a fraidey-cat.You and I went on to do 
the show. Nothing untoward happened between us. I didn't pull on your hair, 
didn't put gum on your seat. "What a wuss," was all I remember thinking as I 
left the set.And now, here we are in 2015 and, like many other angry white 
guys, you are frightened by a bogeyman who is out to get you. That bogeyman, in 
your mind, are all Muslims. Not just the ones who have killed, but ALL 
MUSLIMS.Fortunately, Donald, you and your supporters no longer look like what 
America actually is today. We are not a country of angry white guys. Here's a 
statistic that is going to make your hair spin: Eighty-one percent of the 
electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of 
color, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In other words, not you. 
And not the people who want you leading their country.So, in desperation and 
insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised 
to believe that we are all each other's brother and sister, regardless of race, 
creed or color. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to 
have to ban me. And everyone else.We are all Muslim.Just as we are all Mexican, 
we are all Catholic and Jewish and white and black and every shade in between. 
We are all children of God (or nature or whatever you believe in), part of the 
human family, and nothing you say or do can change that fact one iota. If you 
don't like living by these American rules, then you need to go to the time-out 
room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you've said.And 
then leave the rest of us alone so we can elect a real president who is both 
compassionate and strong -- at least strong enough not to be all whiny and 
scared of some guy in a ballcap from Michigan sitting next to him on a talk 
show couch. You're not so tough, Donny, and I'm glad I got to see the real you 
up close and personal all those years ago.We are all Muslim. Deal with it.All 
my best,
Michael MooreP.S. I'm asking everyone who reads this letter to go here 
(, and sign the following statement: "WE 
ARE ALL MUSLIM" -- and then post a photo of yourself holding a homemade sign 
saying "WE ARE ALL MUSLIM" on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram using the 
hashtag‪#‎WeAreAllMuslim‬. I will post all the photos on my site and send them 
to you, Mr. Trump. Feel free to join us.P.P.S. - To sign my statement for 
#WeAreAllMuslim, go here on my website:
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