Pretty darned impressive. It is easy enough to exist, but tough to thrive in 
this world without transcending regularly, refreshing oneself. Here's for 50, 
or a 100 thousand TM initiations this year in the US. Looks like Finland is 
catching on, too. 
 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 572 Governors taught TM® this year [North America] through Maharishi 
Foundation to more than 20,000 people in 188 different teaching locations. 
There were an additional several thousand people taught by our Governors 
through the David Lynch Foundation. These are our highest numbers [in years]. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Yes, its seems a cardiopulmonary resuscitation of TM was performed since a 
dangerous and lowdown pulse rate of less than 200 initiations per month at a 
nadir of the teaching of TM in the days of 2006,  whence a Dr. John Hagelin 
from these United States of America was elevated and put in charge of a domain 
of institutional TM to revive the teaching of meditation throughout the TM 

  It is a heroic story of emergency service against most difficult odds that 
has been performed to save the life and relevance of TM in the world. 

---In, <hepa7@...> wrote :


 All of a sudden, the intro lectures in Helsinki, Finland  in January 
(tammi-kuu: oak-month[?]),
 are almost fully booked (täyteen varattu). I don't believe anything like
 that has happened for years now! 

 Helsinki | Transsendenttinen Meditaatio

 Helsinki | Transsendenttinen Meditaatio Päivämäärä ja aika Aika 
torstai 7 tammikuu , 19:00 19:00 TÄYTEEN VARATTU TÄYTEEN VARATTU ×

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