And some people just bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best. 
Remember when some people tried to warn W. that removing Saddam Hussein would 
destabilize the middle east? He had a much more optimistic attitude, that 
creating a democracy in the middle east would have a positive effect on the 
region and cause it to spread to neighboring countries and naturally people in 
democratic countries would be more interested in advancing their own personal 
lives than interfering with other nations. Democracies don't start wars with 
other democracies.Well. it was a nice uplifting theory but it didn't work for 
whatever reasons and there were many, especially ethnic, cultural and 
historical reasons..Now we are faced with more foolishness that European and 
other countries should absorb the chaos created by the first noble, but ill 
advised effort mentioned above. The culture shock created by this misguided 
adventure of both Europeans and middle easterners has never been thought out 
either.People are trying to mix oil and water. Both groups are suffering 
because of it. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and 
those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I hate to speak 
in sound bites but *hope* is not a strategy and hoping that millions of 
displaced refugees from totally foreign cultures can get along in a new culture 
is very wishful thinking and ignoring the history of mankind. Being aware that 
trouble is brewing is not the problem nor is warning that trouble is brewing. 
Hayam dukham anagatam. This altruistic, wishful,experiment in  multiculturalism 
is ill planned and doomed to fail. Perhaps with smaller groups and after 
assimilation things could work but not by invasion.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2016 8:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Immigrants in Berlin

---In, <> wrote :

I was reading Ross Douthat's column in the New York Times about Germany's 
immigration problem. He pointed out that given the policy that immigrants are 
allowed to bring their families over, it will not be long before Germany's 
under-40 population is composed of 50 percent North African and Middle Eastern 
immigrants. If that isn't a recipe for civil strife, I don't know what is. 
And some of you are already expecting the worst, laying the foundation for 
strife! Glad you're all so organized and anticipating long before any of your 
predictions are happening. There is so much worrying about the future - what 
may or may not happen. The more I hear you people talk about this the more I 
see why such things have a better chance of coming to pass. Emotionally, you're 
all setting the stage for your worst nightmare - and even that makes me shake 
my head. The idea that half of Germany's under 40 population might be composed 
of non-white humans really shows where your bigotry lies. My advice Feste, stay 
right where you are in corn-fed, whitebread conservative America, that way you 
won't have to share your space or stand in line with and behind those stinkin' 
immigrants. Racism is alive and well in the heartland!

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

I was checking out The Drudge Report and saw a video shot in Berlin on New 
Years eve. The *migrants* were shooting guns in the air along with fireworks. 
It looked like a war zone. Looks like they brought their guns with them and of 
course the German citizens are unarmed.
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